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Everything posted by Sexygirl

  1. They say the 3 legendary birds are uncatchable, but many people saw that some players owns articuno, zapdos, moltres with 6x30-31 iv-s. how can we get one of them? Dont say it is impossible, if some of us can have one from them
  2. Thats my pc stats, so it hard enough but this invisibility avatar bug is a shit to repair
  3. my pc and win is hard enough for this game, i tried out alot of this tips but nothing happens. the last client worked good without fails, but in this i dont see headbutt tree emblems, digholes, avatars
  4. i have download the very latest win64client but the problem still there
  5. Hi, with this latest spooky clients i cannot see avatars, i have tried all options, redownload the latest, relogin etc, but nothing happens
  6. bump
  7. I sell halloween charmeleon. 500k or trade for iv reroll
  8. When can i download the new, fixed client to windows? the currently is full of bugs, fails.
  9. i let the staff decide this. maybe a water type is better than just a skin change. good idea too that crystal onix is stronger than original by stats, but unevolveable. sounds nice :)
  10. Can u tell me, is there added yet some new pinkans?
  11. i hope many player likes my idea
  12. I have an idea Ho-oh drop a mystrery box on every region, random place, and contains random gifts, like abandoned poke, coin, mounts, ultraballs, chlotes, medals, pokedollars,. The first player who find the box, win its treasures. interact with the box and win, than the box disappear, and appears on a new random place after one hour .....What the staff think about it?
  13. that was good, and maybe they can make an event from this :)
  14. Can the staff make a crystal onix event? like the kanto starter events, 1/20rate from onix is a crystal onix. :)
  15. What you all think about this new pika costume? :) i wanna see him on the game :D
  16. thanks, dont forget it :D can i ask you to add the first new pinkan staryu starmie duo?:) as gift to my upcoming birthday :)
  17. i fully deleted all of the game library but still shit. i dont know what that discord thing is. the new client will be downloadable here on the download section?
  18. i have redownloaded the client, but the invisibility is still on
  19. thanks, im trying ig. can u give me a list from the currently working updates? that are inside now on the game and working
  20. Why am i and the other players invisible? i see just my shadow and names
  21. Hi. Where is the best spot with the lowest tier to find a spooky-bulbasaur? Everywhere is tier 8-9?
  22. i dont see them on the maplist, so i cannot find of them yet?
  23. where are the +20 new pinkan pokes? there are nothing yet
  24. Sexygirl


    Mega evo is on the new client?
  25. wingull and pelipper are already on pinky cliff
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