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Everything posted by Burdy

  1. Yellow server is currently offline, from what I just saw, maybe that's the reason its not responding?
  2. Unfortunately if you do happen to disconnect in a boss fight the cool down begins, it happens to me to, I'm sorry to hear about this tho :(
  3. This game it still in Beta, and tends to crash from time to time, just be Patient it will come back online in no time!~
  4. Hey thank you for applying! I will be sending you a link Shortly via Forums PM <3
  5. Bumpy Dumpty!~
  6. Bumping!~
  7. Good luck all!~
  8. Bumping!~
  9. Welcome to PRO!~
  10. Welcome to PRO <3
  11. Hello and thank yoi for applying! I will be sending you a link shortly!
  12. Thank you <3 <3
  13. Ohhh Yes, thank you!
  14. Yeah my bad i didn't even see that xD
  15. Read what exactly?
  16. Not sure, all we know is that it was announced it was being added to the game
  17. Bump!~
  18. Welcome back to PRO!
  19. Hello and thank you for applying! Will be sending link shortly
  20. Hey thank you for applying! Will be sending you a link shortly!
  21. It was probably the server going down briefly, sorry for your inconvenience :(
  22. Welcome to PRO <3
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