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Everything posted by Afrahim

  1. Auction ended. Bllackmask is the winner @Incandescent i hope you would complete the transaction ty.
  2. 10 min left
  3. Final hour left
  4. I guess then there is still 6hr 45 min left
  5. Wtb both the forms with good ivs Budget 15-20m+
  6. Can I ask why you would use a Masterball if not for catching Legendaries? The item is there for a reason no? In OG games the roaming legendaries just fled if u didnt Masterball. Just my opinion that Masterball should be for these occations
  7. that being said, @melodicblue u couldve warned me when i said 4min left, after black offered 31m. then again i admit its my fault for not knowing the rule
  8. Apologies if i broke the rule , i didnt see the 15min gap for a offer rule , its the first time i actually auctioned, and didnt expect it to be a war in the comments.
  9. congrats bllackmask for buying snivy for 31m
  10. I believe we are down to the last 15 mins guys, good luck.
  11. still 40 mins left
  12. c.o 10m by sweatyabdus
  13. Wts this pvp snivy S.o-8m Auction will run for 2 days No insta Cc acceptable at 500k value GL and HF
  14. Hello, I(Afrahim) accidentally traded with a friend(Silence2600) for evolving and got region locked. Plz help T-T...
  15. Hello, I(Afrahim) accidentally traded with a friend(Silence2600) for evolving and got region locked. Plz help T-T...
  16. I can't seem to get out of this encounter with this Magma Grunt NPC although I keep restarting the client several times. Please Help Me!!! >.<
  17. ACCOUNT RESET Username: Afrahim Server to Reset Progress: Gold
  18. Hello again...^^ Sorry for always bothering like this but I thought I should share this. When one of my Pokemon faints and I call upon another, the exp bar of my previous Pokemon in battle(The fainted one) remains. As u may see that my Spheal fainted and sent out hunter. But Spheal's exp bar still remains. It doesn't cause any problems but still.... I thought I'd let u know. Thank u. And once again, sry for the trouble. ^^
  19. Thank you...i appreciate it... P.S.: It took me 2 hrs to find it :P
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