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  1. Ty
  2. hello , so I've been trying to beat that gengar umbra for the past 4 hours and i cannot simply do it because quite frankly i think there's a problem with it , that gengar is unbeatable. 1st i spawn with 4 pokes : Arca , raticate , clefable and murshuma ( that psychic poke ) only ...some ppl say there's marowak as well but it hasn't spawned for me I thought to myself well i'll try to do it without marowak and i actually managed to keep the 4 pokes alive without marowak as shown in the SS Below , all alive full health that gengar uses the mega bracelet which increases its stats and OHKOs everything and i'm actually tired like there's no way i can beat this guy , there has to be something wrong, either marowak is a vital pokemon to winning the battle and it's missing or something is wrong please look into this matter, thank you
  3. 220k calm eevee
  4. 150k for the calm eevee
  5. umm , sadly im going ot have to withdraw my offer because this is a gold server shop not sliver , thought its silver , it appeared on my feed as trending posts , didnt show which server at the beginning , so my bad
  6. ill buy the timid abra max spd
  7. 50k bid on starmie
  8. decrease the money reward from the bosses , 800k every 2 weeks is fine , f u made 1.2m-2.4m it will ruin the economy , everyone will be rich without actually having to do any effort , everyone will switch to bosses for cash earnings and not hunt and trade , prices will increase absurdly ...so no , good call on removing shiny chance tho
  9. any of the magnemites hp fire?
  10. Re: Ingame BOSS [updating 06/03/2017] <r>[image]<URL url="https://m.imgur.com/a/HJrhXIJ/image">https://m.imgur.com/a/HJrhXIJ/image</URL>]<br/> <br/> If img didnt work click on link: <URL url="https://m.imgur.com/a/HJrhXIJ">https://m.imgur.com/a/HJrhXIJ</URL><br/> Almost had him that greinjack...my advice is get sashes on ur pokes: i killed palkia with ada kingdra dd and outrage thanks to sash , outraged his conkeldurr half the hp damage he hammerarmed , then azu playrough conk died , comes ylvetal which is so freaking powerful , acrobatics azu survived 1 hp thanks to sash , the playrough only did half hp damage , of course aquajet didnt pull it off , next weavile icepunch to death , took out kingdra i switched to lucario , signal beam didnt do much so next turn ES and kingdra scalded me , took out my machamp dpulse didnt kill me so i DP about more than half hp damage , another d pulse machamp dead , took out honch suckerpunch moxie atk rose , comes hydregion thunderfang i didnt die brave bird more thanhalf hp i died of rec.( i thought he would ohko me so the sash was useless for honch but precaution ) , weavile again icepunch hyd. Dead , lucario came brickbreak less than half hp , closecombat i survived bec of sash and def fell so i thought maybe i can win , but i lost on 18 hp lucario couldnt kill it .<br/> Moral: get superpower on honch to kill hydregion ohko then suckerpunch lucario so that 18 hp wont exist when weavile comes out , im a stupid idiot...</r>
  11. If image isnt loading use the link: https://m.imgur.com/YMettjD,pPmVTOK Not an auction , prices for them are scizor :350k vaporeon: 300k Negotiable , ty
  12. Offer in here or ingame if u find me online , ends in 2 days , if i see the offer good enough ill sell it Note: evs are on atk and hp
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