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Everything posted by Luxiao

  1. Brave Marowak-Alolan Lightning Rod 240k SOLD
  2. Since the maintenance in done. Just let me know when u will be online
  3. dunno if it's already reported but just to make sure
  4. closed
  5. I'm online in game right now
  6. Semi-Epic Adamant Crawduant H.A. Adaptability 250k SOLD
  7. 29/29 Timid Volcarona Flame Body 600k SOLD
  8. 18+ Semi Epic Bold Gorebyss Swift Swim 390k SOLD
  9. Relaxed Wooper H.A. Unaware 400k SOLD
  10. Bold Slowbro Regenerator 130k SOLD
  11. Adamant Lucario Inner Focus 100k SOLD
  12. Adamant Cloyster Skill Link for 560k + 3 RC SOLD
  13. Timid Volcarona Flame Body HP ICE 200k SOLD
  14. Easter Form Serious Bunnelby Cheek Pouch 600k SOLD
  15. Impish Furret Run Away + Bold Whimsicott Prankster for 50 Rare Candy SOLD
  16. 400,001
  17. 396,397
  18. 390,001
  19. 380,001
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