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Everything posted by Xxakitxx

  1. Auction end and grats u win the auction. Please tell me if u can online thank you
  2. Bump 23 hours and 25 mins left
  3. Bump, 48 hours left
  4. Auction ended 1.5m Min bid 50k No insta Auction 3 days(72 hours) start from first bid Accept pokedollar only
  5. Grats you won the auction, chat me when you online. Thanks
  6. Sorry i was wrong count time, it was approx 9 hours left from now
  7. Auction ended 700k by Qasar Min bid 50k Insta price 2m 2days auction start from 1st bid Accept pokedollar only
  8. Auction ended with 3m, win by @Jmoney007, pls chat me when u are online. Thanks
  9. Auction tech ada summer scyther Ended 3m Min bid 100k Insta 12m 3 days (72 hours) auction time Accept cc 400k per ea or pokedollar
  10. Auction ended and the winner is @Saweges. Pls text me which server you at and i will looking for you. Thanks
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