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Everything posted by Trainersoli

  1. 9. End point is final and must be honoured. - In-game: End points cannot be extended for any reason, and must be accurate to the second that the auction is set to end. It is recommended to use timestamps to manage your auction correctly. ________________________________________ I did posted notifications for that boosted time will not be aded plz chek
  2. Congratulations @Tanton u won the auction u got the force with u meet me at canalcave pc
  3. Last 10 minutes no boosted time plz note that
  4. Snorlax 610k Venomoth 250k
  5. Auction Min bid 1k Insta 15m Auction ends in 72 hrs after first bid Acept cc 360k Iv rr 550k Neture rr 280k  Good luck..! https://www.tickcounter.com/countdown/4081753/my-countdown
  6. @Luckytea u won the auction dm me in game #solivagant Discord Solivagant#9329
  7. Starting offer 200k min bid 25k Insta 2m Acept cc 370k Iv rr 550k Neture rr 280k auction ends in 48 hrs after first bid
  8. Auction ended @Kapsostam13 ur the winner congratulations dm in game am in breezy town
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