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Everything posted by Tougen

  1. Shhh! I was trying not to spoil it. Actually I didn't even know it could be one of three different ones, but I can say for sure there isn't going to be an Arcanine in the ball. That would be too OP. Growlithe it is. Either way, :thanks: :Exclam:
  2. Welcome to PRO, Purple! It seems like we're going to get along just fine. :Grin: Obviously the best time to play a game is when it's finished, but there's one place in the game you might want to visit before the release. That place is the maze(in a big tree) in Viridian Forest. The maze is huge(I'm not kidding) and contains some really nice rewards. It's more of a minigame, and can be tons of fun and may also be useful for later on(after release). Just saying. Again, welcome to PRO!
  3. Welcome to PRO! I hope you'll have a great time here.
  4. Welcome to PRO, Silv! Let's make our time here the best it could possibly be. :High_Five:
  5. Welcome to PRO, Calamitys! Also congratulations on joining your first forum! Since it's your first time, make sure not to miss the forum rules. I hope to see you ingame. :Grin:
  6. Welcome to PRO, Xenji! I hope you'll have a great time here at the revolution. Let's get along ingame, and of course here at the forums as well.
  7. Welcome Namiko! I hope you'll have a great time and experience here at PRO! :Grin:
  8. Welcome Thor! We're happy to have you here at the PRO community.
  9. Welcome to PRO! And don't you dare make me get a Bidoof instead of my lovely Caterpie. :boot:
  10. Welcome to PRO! Also greetings from Sweden. :Grin:
  11. Welcome to PRO, KRHero! Remember that you're not the only one crazy about pokemon, most of us probably are as well.
  12. We're not going to eat you, since we don't have Bite. Either way welcome to PRO!
  13. We're glad to have you here, Fingyfin. Welcome to PRO!
  14. Welcome to PRO! Let's make sure we report all bugs and errors so that when the release arrives, we'll have the greatest pokemon experience possible. :y:
  15. Welcome to PRO! Greetings from Sweden.
  16. Welcome to PRO! It will probably take a while for the MAC version to be made, but I hope to see you ingame.
  17. You're welcomed either way. [glow=red]Welcome to PRO![/glow]
  18. Gintama for sure. I love to have a laughter even when I'm by myself.
  19. A rather interesting post there, Red. I usually don't mind when people lie to me, however, it would be nice to know when I'm being lied to and such to prevent a worse scenario. Thanks for the information!
  20. Welcome to PRO, Matzeus! We're all looking forward to the game. Hope to see you ingame!
  21. Welcome to PRO! I hope you'll have a great time with us ingame later on. :Grin:
  22. Welcome to PRO! I bet it's going to be a blast when the release arrives. Let's have tons of fun and catch them all!
  23. Being eager to contribute is always a good thing. Your English is probably the least you have to worry about. :y: Welcome to PRO by the way!
  24. There's still testing going on before they release the game to the public. We're all waiting for the release, but let's be patient and let them test the game thoroughly first. Either way, welcome to PRO!
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