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Everything posted by Sviper

  1. And at the link below is reason why 7th Gen Pokémon is not obtainable: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/96657-url
  2. Sviper


    Red and Blue ones was merged, so when you merge you have option to choose Red or Blue as main server.
  3. Sviper


    Silver server = Red and Blue servers merged together, Gold server is Yellow server. More details about merging you see in these links below as well link where to do merge: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/88616-url https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum...-before-making-a-merge-issue-thread-◀︎.90848/ https://pokemonrevolution.net/dashboard/
  4. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?threads/►complete-kanto-walkthrough-◄.41701/
  5. He asked 2nd question, because in original games you can use Sweet Scent outside battle, here such a feature is not yet coded.
  6. Silver server = Red and Blue servers merged together, Gold server is Yellow server. More details about merging you see in these links below as well link where to do merge: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/88616-url https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum...-before-making-a-merge-issue-thread-◀︎.90848/ https://pokemonrevolution.net/dashboard/ PS if you already did merge then you need change password, because sometimes when people merge for some reason password for Silver ends up meesed.
  7. Adding and Translating Other Languages In-Game PRO's main storyline will be kept English as the widely accepted "official" language in the game, even by bilingual players. Only minor things (menus, options, etc) will be translated. However, there is no estimated time frame for this, and it's considered very low-priority. Source: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?threads/►-read-this-before-making-a-suggestion-◀︎.32868/
  8. Probably this happened due update on Letrix and Ash westbrook that happened 1 hour and 34 minutes ago since my post now.
  9. Please do not multi-post threads of same thing.
  10. It's one of Evolutions that are not yet coded.
  11. You probably choose wrong main server at merge screen. If it's true then wait till staff sees this thread, check out if you really choose wrong main server and unmerge if so. Then you will need re:merge, but when you will be in merge screen this time you will need choose right server this time.
  12. ?
  13. Sviper

    Money ?

    Best ways to earn money in game is Digable spot, kill Gulpins/Shellders/Staryus with Covet/Thief or catch Gulpins/Shellders/Staryus, because you can get valuable items and sell them to Item Maniacs for a lot of money. http://prowiki.info/index.php?title=Valuable_Items#Selling_to_Item_Maniacs
  14. Silver server = Red and Blue servers merged together, Gold server is Yellow server. More details about merging you see in these links below as well link where to do merge: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/88616-url https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum...-before-making-a-merge-issue-thread-◀︎.90848/ https://pokemonrevolution.net/dashboard/
  15. Add Eevee as 5th Starter is added to list.
  16. Able teach Pikachu Surf and able to get Ash Hat for choose Pikachu was made for equalizing starter choice. Other words make Pikachu worth picking as much as other 3.
  17. Most bans happen do reason that people no more read these days, so people end up breaking PvP, trade and other rules without knowing. Just mentioning.
  18. Wow, this feels like my future, but different nature, because I plan get one in future, now I multi-gamer, so don't play game often. xD
  19. For months people saying this, but.
  20. You need hope they unmerge your account and you will need re:merge again by choose right main server. But you need hope if they do this.
  21. Add new section of suggestions/ideas called "Generation 7th V3 + Kanto changes in there:"
  22. I know, I read forums and Discord annoucments daily. I just mentioned these, because they are mirror and just couple. Plus curretly a lot spawn changes happens, so Oddish one have good timing to happen.
  23. Giovanni Gym was easy, beat him up with my stupid Charizard, because that Armored Mewtwo is Psychic/Steel. Actually I went trough whole region with 3 Pokémon I trained and couple HM dumpsters, and only had spend some time to grind levels for E4/Champion. Damn you Mega Gengar, I only beat you up at second run :D.
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