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Everything posted by Sviper

  1. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/92304-url
  2. One way is wait for they response here or catch staff member at Discord.
  3. Silver server = Red and Blue servers merged together, Gold server is Yellow server. More details about merging you see in these links below: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/88616-url https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum...-before-making-a-merge-issue-thread-◀︎.90848/
  4. From what I see you was in middle doing region and merge add some of your other region/s Pokémon to your party. If that's the case you need staff member to move them to PC.
  5. I believe this is known bug, because it already was working like that since my Lombre, that I caught in Halloween, learned a Uproar.
  6. Silver server = Red and Blue servers merged together, Gold server is Yellow server. More details about merging you see in these links below: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/88616-url https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?threads/common-merge-errors-faq-▶︎-read-before-making-a-merge-issue-thread-◀︎.90848/
  7. The eggs collecting part of event already ended. Dunno for Togepi, but if the icon near party still exist then you still can hunt event Togepi line.
  8. From what I see your riolu has about 125 Happiness. To check Happiness you use command /happy 1-6 in-game.
  9. There is option for activate controller in options, it activates movement, but you still need set other keys. Try unplug and plug in back you controller.
  10. Red and Blue servers now are known as Silver server, and Yellow server is now Gold Server. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/88616-url
  11. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/88616-url Red and Blue become Silver, so no you need merge Red and Blue progress even if you never played on Blue. Just follow instruction from Server Merge FAQ link above.
  12. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?threads/ingame-update-log.80420/page-5#post-527406 or you could pressed on Leitah said in quote to be moved to same link.
  13. Egg part is already ended over 24 hours ago and only left special Togepi part for longer.
  14. So only now Easter Togepi/Togetic is catchable?
  15. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/88863-url
  16. http://prowiki.info/index.php?title=Navigational_devices http://prowiki.info/index.php?title=Pokémon_Mounts
  17. That will be another new Pokémon MMORPG by Shane currently know as PokéOne, and is still under development and tests. Here is discord invitation for it: https://discord.gg/bNYRTFn
  18. Read this on how merge Red and Blue server progress, is required to continue if you played on Red or Blue sever or both: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/88616-url Silver = Red + Blue, Gold = Yellow.
  19. Coins As the eponymous currency of the shop, Coins can be exchanged for a multitude of potentially otherwise-unobtainable purchasables on it; see the subsectional coverage below for a list of it and their respective prices. Obtaining Coins Since Coins are designed as a gratitudinously rewardful payout for donations, they are reaped primarily through donations. You can donate for them by clicking on the "Get Coins" button on the Coin Shop interface. PayPal is currently the only direct transactional avenue accepted for donating to PRO. The exchange rate is 100 Coins for every $5 (USD equivalence) donated. That exchange-rate increment is not scalable, meaning you can only donate for 100 Coins in a singular donation; however, since there is no known time-constraining limitation as to how many donations you can submit, you can make successively separate donations to obtain more Coins within a short time space. Occasionally, Coin-rewarding giveaways can also be hosted by staff, thereby allowing them to be obtained extra-transactionally to a certain level of occasionality; stay attuned to the Announcements section on the forums and Twitter for announcements regardingly. The only avenue for their tradability from other players is through Coin Capsules—tradable Coin-containers. They are purchasable on the Coin Shop for 100 Coins, and they will statically store the same amount, allowing them to be traded in increments of 100 Coins per trade transaction. Difficulties receiving Coins Firstly, ensure that you've relogged thereupon donating for them; this is required to effectuate them on your account. If issues persist, you'll need to post on the Donations Issue section of the forums; an Administrator or Developer will attend to it when they are available. Remember to mention which server you donated on, as well as providing the transactional ID; this can be found under your payment details on your PayPal account's transactional history. Coin-usage restrictions The Coins you receive will bind to whichever server you donated them from; therefore, if you donated for Coins on Gold, their outlay would be confined strictly to that server, and they could not be transferred to Silver. Donations and Coins are also not refundable; once those expenditures are made, that this their finality. Source: http://prowiki.info/index.php?title=Coin_Shop#Coins
  20. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/88616-url
  21. In Pokémon information window there is OT section that shows nickname of person who captured, you need the Huntail have your nickname in OT section to count for quest, the one with other player nickname doesn't count. So buy Deep Sea Tooth from player or get one yourself to evolve Clamperl that you captured yourself. Obtainability for Deep Sea Tooth: Held by Clamperl, Sharpedo, and Carvanha Potentially redeemed from turning in the scanner upon completion of the Abandoned Ship Quest
  22. I already told what to do in second sentence in previous post of mine, so please do that and not post more images that are useless at this point.
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