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Neonpurplehaze last won the day on October 25 2019
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+1 Ive got the same issue, and i absolutely hated the quest the first time through.
Can't enter the cave to take gengarite
Neonpurplehaze replied to Phamhoanganh14's topic in General Bugs
I've got the same issue -
silver server Murky Town Prize Vendor Tm Issue
Neonpurplehaze replied to Neonpurplehaze's topic in NPC & Scripting Bugs
Thats going be a no, because its been 5 days since i posted this and i have since bought more from different places. -
silver server Murky Town Prize Vendor Tm Issue
Neonpurplehaze replied to Neonpurplehaze's topic in NPC & Scripting Bugs
neonpurplehaze Silver
silver server Murky Town Prize Vendor Tm Issue
Neonpurplehaze posted a topic in NPC & Scripting Bugs
Purchased shadow ball tm and it took the points/coins but it no give the tm. Time of occurrence/purchase was 12:10 am EST on Nov 8th -
You do nothing, after "waking up" from the dream, you are locked out of the quest. its a one time entrance area, you leave you are done.
Its the best im going to do. Let us begin the incomprehensible guide to the halloween event! Things you will need: Your standard boss killing team(aka level 100's) A pokemon with the foresight move and a pokemon with miracle eyes move(these will be important later on). Head to vermillion(or any port city with a ship to a different region) and then towards the gym, just south of the gym you will find a cosplayer wearing toilet paper, talk to him and head to murkytown. Once you are in murky town you want to talk to vice mayor butch and select dreadtown (you will need to go back there for dakrai later on so unlock it early) before leaving for dread town speak to all the npc's in murky and get yourself some candy. Once you have obtained said candy you are ready to move forward. Head north and talk to the spirits at the end of the path in the picture provided. You will then need to find all 3 spirits and the free honedge to progress to the next area. After you find all 3 + the free pokemon you are ready to talk to the spirits and move on, you need to head north until you see the pokecenter. Once you find the pokecenter head to down the path on the far right side and through unison cave. Continue heading east until you find the npc selling focus sashes, its a scam and gives you 5 expert belts. then you need to go towards the south east to talk to an npc who wants 5 candies to enter dreadtown. Once you go into dreadtown you will need to head north to mayor vlad, you will need to beat the mummy in front of the castle then you will need to beat mayor vlad. After you beat vlad you will notice a hole in the wall just right of him, this is for later, ignore it for now because its the entrance to necropolis. Go back to the pokecenter you were at before dreadtown, then head north and beat mayor gorge who has giratina. Once you beat him head on back to murky town to claim your reward of a houndoom mount or vamp clothing, both come with a pumpkin hat. Once done you are ready for darkrai! <<<<Darkrai Part>>>> The two pokemon with the moves listed at the start will now be needed. make your way back to mayor vlad in dreadtown, to the right you will see a statue with a hole behind it, squeeze on through and make your way to necropolis. We shall start the darkrai quest here. Heal your pokemon and grab your foresight pokemon. Go slightly north to alucard castle, talk to girl up the stairs on the left side. She wants you to hunt down 3 ghosts, search every god damn tile for those invisible pokes. Once you have beaten all 3 go up the stairs to the left, and search every tile as you go there are more hidden pokemon(i believe there are 4 for the left side) Once you talk to the old man at the end he will want you to help is brother on the right side(this side has 10) search every tile along the way again. Once you have unlocked both staircases, head back to the pokecenter and grab the miracle eyes pokemon. You will need to search for the hidden alucard(mine was on the left side) he will most likely be next to the visible alucard, so just search every tile again.(most likely right next to the visible boss) Once you lose to him and head on to the edge of darkness. If you don't die more than 5 times before beating nightingale, you will get a clone starter when you grab the starter. Dont worry if you die in here, just make sure you never wake up. This area is a one time only area. Here you will be tasked with beating the real alucard without your own team. search all the sparkly bits to go to the dark realm. Grab your munna at the start and then have fun looking around, find the growlithe on the left side of the map who is surrounded by gastly. Grab the repel located in a ball nearby and use it to only fight 2 level 20 gastly, Once done growlithe will join your team! He will be the main one you need to level. Head to the north and enter the castle.On the right side of the room you will see a door to walk through, search all the cans and find the rats to get alolan rattata. To unlock the first healing station, just talk to the pc to the right of the cell containing the audino. You will have to beat a pokemon that is rather easy with growlithe. Then head through the passage at the top right of the map, to grab the fire stone located behind the electric fence. To unlock the fence talk to both pylons to fight a rotom. Make sure you do NOT do the ritual to obtain a firestone. In the cave where cubone is find the mudkip/talk to the lamps/talk to the murkrow for cubones bone to get cubone. Once you have the fire stone, level up your growlithe to my suggested level of 45 and evolve him. Once he is level 45 and evolved head on up to nightingale located up the stairs of the main room just before the first healing station. After you beat her, grab all 3 of the balls in the room. You WILL need the moon stone for later! Head back into the cave, and the doorway located in the southwest you will have to fight a battle against all 3 kanto starters and their evolution's at level 25. If you had less than 5 times you will obtain a clone starter of your choice. If you died more than 5 times or selected your starter before fighting nightingale they will just be a normal kanto starter. After this fight the amount of deaths does not matter so go wild. There are many pokemon around who will drop valuable items such as carbos, rare candy and other healing items. Once completed head on back to the first room of that building and talk to the clefairy, then talk to the bookshelfs to get a clue on the statues. Talk to the entei statue first, select volcanic eruptions. talk to the dragonite statue and select jealousy then dodge left. Talk to ho-oh to get the final clue, then talk to the cases with flowers to fight roselia to get clefairy(level this up and evolve it with the moon stone from nightingale to fight umbra as it can NOT be switched out). Level the clefairy to 35, evolve it and teach it soft boiled. After the clefable is leveled, you can go fight umbra which is located to the north in the cave for cubone. You will need clefable in the first slot and it can not be switched out. Now you are ready to head to the south of the main starting area, where the final boss waits in the 3rd floor of the castle. You can keep fighting his guards for easier leveling up, just after you fight his spiritomb and shiny spiritomb go heal at the audino and then his guards will be reset. You can also go around the map and fight the solo pokes for rare candies, ev items and healing items/revives. Once you hit roughly 65 on arcanine just keep attempting the final boss fight until you have a favorable fight against torterra and lucario. Once you beat the darkrai you will be teleported back to the real world, go pick up your false swiper, your timid sync, and anything else you need to catch him. Once you are ready head on back to alucard castle and back to alucards room where darkrai waits at level 50. Good luck There is a free reroll outside Alucard castle, you only get to keep one stat. Final edit: Special thanks go to Lilythana, Papfuglen, and Xurion for being my test dummies to allow for me to be able to put together a somewhat useful guide.
http://puu.sh/EuHkP/c2fae585c0.png Silver server, both were released accidently from pc while they were in party. I didnt know they also showed up in the pc while in party.
Ive beaten sinnoh e4 and he still wont move, idk what else to do or say. Its the dude in the sinnoh victory road blocking route 224.