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About Thetick

  • Birthday 05/28/1986

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  • Occupation
    Customers Server Agent

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Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. DM me if no one else bids, I going to sleep for work tomorrow
  2. Thetick#0749
  3. 700k Thetick#0749
  4. No one else offered?
  5. 1m ign Thetick
  6. Player name: Thetick Server: Silver Timezone (in GMT): GMT - 7:00
  7. Congratulations to Skere for making it on top, its always a great satisfaction knowing that everyone worked their [butt] off to make it happen, it's not gonna be easy to continue to strive, but I feel confident that we will put our all to continue on the path to greatness, Thank you... Felicidades a Skere por llegar a primer lugar, es una gran satisfacción saber que todos pusieron su empeño por llegar hasta este punto, no va a ser fácil mantener este punto de competitividad, pero me siento confiado que seguiremos poniendo nuestros empeño y compromiso para seguir en el camino hacia la grandeza, gracias....
  8. It should end as usual, it would be chaotic for everyone if the updates would take Into effect before the season ends, let's just leave everything as is.
  9. I'd say just implement it for next month and wait for feedback on August, then decide what would be the best decision to take... Simple!
  10. I wanted to ask if it's possible to delevel my Marril please I messed up, I would highly appreciate it.
  11. I need help with happiny, I trained it and did not know that it evolves during a specific time of the day now it's level 100 and can't evolve it to chansey, can u please delevel it so that I can evolve it to chansey please?
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