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Everything posted by A1catraz

  1. Player name: A1catraz Server: Silver Timezone: gmt+1 Rank on ladder: 23
  2. Just one last thing, i saw in the guide the cd is 6hours if you lose on hard mode not 3days,or is it because i relogged on the dialogue and didn't start the battle that i got the 3 days?
  3. I don't know if it's you guys who fixed it but it's working now i mean the dialogue triggered this time, on my 5th win in a row on easy mode instead of 3rd, and i was able to get the dialogue for hard mode, i didn't expect it to work i thought it will just start the battle right away on easy mode like previously, so i wasn't ready i reloged on the dialogue so i can get my other pokes,but it still counted as a loss xD and i have 3days of cd now but it's fine, at least now i know it's working and i'll be able battle him after the cd, and thanks !
  4. It's alright No if i click i want to battle the battle will start in easy mode directly
  5. Hi again, So here is the text i get when he isn't on cd
  6. Alright, it will take 2days 10h ish tho, because i battled him this morning
  7. Thanks, i'm getting the normal text to fight him in easy mode i didn't get the text of "you found all tutors, fed pokes etc" i saw in the guide after completing them, i can only fight him on easy which i did 4 times so far and i won all of them
  8. Hi, I can't unlock the hard mode of the boss altough i followed all the steps in the guide -feeding the 4 pokemons -unlocking tutors -beating him in easy 4times in a row now -doing the gossip and getting the item Am i missing something ? I double checked everything yet i can't seem to find what i did wrong :') thanks in advance
  9. Player name: A1catraz Showdown name: A1catraz x) Server: silver Timezone: +1 Rank on ladder: 20
  10. S.o 800k Min bid 200k Stays for 24h after started Cc=400k rr=700k nat rr=350k
  11. U won, when are u available ?
  12. Bump
  13. Yes and sorry for the delay i was pretty inactive lately
  14. S.o 500k Min bid 100k No insta I accept rr=700k nat rr=350k cc=400k Auction will go for 24h after started
  15. Player name: A1catraz Showdown name: A1catraz x) Server: silver Timezone: +1 Rank on ladder: 18
  16. S.o 400k Mini bid 100k 24h after start Accept cc=400k nat rr=350k rr=700k no insta
  17. Username : A1catraz Server : Silver Country/timezone : Algeria/GMT +1
  18. Player name: A1catraz Server: Silver Timezone (in GMT): +1
  19. Bought one
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