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  1. auction has ended
  2. Cross Server Auction for HP ice Eevee Nature: Naive Start: 800k Insta: 2m Min raise: 100k items: cc = 430k Duration: 24hr after start Time: ending 2:40 PM PST time @ 4th jan 2021. Location: pokemon on Gold Server atm
  3. since PRO has their own sprites for events, we can maybe have custom event pokeballs for catching the event pokes to match.
  4. trade proof can be closed
  5. The auction ended, Drdoctor was last bid at 900k
  6. update, 1 hr left
  7. started ingame by bhawish, (started as i was making post, hence the quick start)
  8. Auctioning (almost) epic treecko hp ice c.o 800k by Bhawish min. bid 100k insta 2m cc = 400k (reroll tickets not prefered) auction ends in 48 hrs after start ends on: PST 1:23 am, feb 17th
  9. can be closed, started a new post
  10. bump, treecko is still available, s.o lowered
  11. found the shinies, can be closed
  12. +1 cool idea, it'll be like the normal pvps on official, crazy sash strats will be unleashed, ready for the magikarp sweeps! also a seperate reward is good too, to give people an incentive to play, could just be pokes like ones in pve coin shop or just the items is enough, and maybe add a nature reroll ticket as highest reward or something so its not as good as ranked(pvp coins) or pve coin shop but still.
  13. I would like to puchase the following shinies, pm me here or ingame please:PikaLurk: Shiny Lickitung (300k - 500k depending on nature/ivs) Shiny meowth (only meowth, no persians) Thank you.
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