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Everything posted by Magicguard

  1. Alright - sorry for the inconvenience, let me know if anything else is wrong.
  2. Talk to Lass Janine in Ecruteak Pokecenter. This should reset your cooldown. Let me know when you do, please.
  3. I think I caught the error. All guardians have only one difficulty. I can reset the cooldown for you if you would like.
  4. Hi, Can you please clarify a few things for me? 1. What difficulty were you battling her on? 2. Was there any dialogue before this error occurred? EDIT: Nevermind, I've fixed the issue. EDIT2: Talk to the NPC named Felix in Saffron PC. He'll reset Erika's cooldown for you once. Let me know when you do please!
  5. Changelog 23.1.2019 Small boss changes: - Hard mode now has the boss randomize the order of their team. This should make cheesy strategies slightly more difficult to pull off. - Fixed a visual bug where the cooldown would show "0 days" if it was under 23 hours 59 minute 59 seconds. - This is for already reworked bosses only. Changelog 24.1.2019 - Shary and Shaui reworked. - Legendary dog Guardians reworked.
  6. No problem :) Apologies for the inconvenience.
  7. The fix should be working now - try healing your Pokemon at Lilycove Pokecenter again, please.
  8. Give me a moment~
  9. Hi - we checked and we believe the problem isn't with the boss, but rather with the battle system not recognizing that Stealth Rock defeating your opponent's last Pokemon is a win for you. We can offer you a reset of Shamac's cooldown - is this agreeable?
  10. Try relogging?
  11. Try now?
  12. Please try talking to the Nurse Joy at Lilycove Pokecenter. She should inform you that the bug has been fixed. Let me know when you do this and if the issue is resolved correctly, so I can then remove the workaround.
  13. Alright, just to confirm, your IGN is juanjo217?
  14. Thanks for the report. We're looking into the issue. Edit: Can you check if you are able to enter Team Aqua Hideout? Thanks.
  15. Changelog 10.1.2019 The following bosses have been reworked: - Lorelei - Erika - Chuck - Koichi - Oak - Elm This rework encompasses several things: 1. The bosses are now scripted in Python, meaning new variables. This means that any prior win streaks and cooldowns have been reset. 2. Because of this, the cooldown checkers in each region also do not work for these bosses, for the time being. 3. The bosses are now restricted to level 100 Pokemon. 4. To mitigate this drop in difficulty, three different selectable difficulty levels are available: Easy, Medium, and Hard. - On Easy, bosses have no EVs and no hold items., as well as a weakened moveset. Consecutive win rewards are also not available. - On Medium, bosses have 252 EVs in each stat and hold items. This should be about as difficult as bosses are currently. - On Hard, bosses have 400 EVs in each stat and hold items. Furthermore, the player is not allowed to use in-battle items such as Revives. 5. The bosses' teams have also been reworked. Reborn bot is no longer accurate for these bosses. 6. Crashing during these specific bosses' battles only should no longer start the cooldown! Python knows the difference between a disconnect and a crash. Don't try to abuse this, you'll get put on cooldown and be a sad puppy. 7. Boss rewards have also been reworked, but the impact of this should primarily be more useful consumables and less TMs. 8. As always, if any bugs managed to sneak their way onto live server, please report them promptly so I don't get fired. Thanks! 9. Hour requirements are gone. 10. The requirement that you only have level 100s on your team is also gone. All bosses require now is to be champion of its respective region. - Nikola updated to also not start cooldown on crash.
  16. Changelog 30.12.2018 Nikola reworked. He is now substantially stronger, though his Pokemon are no longer level 120. Items are now banned in his fight. Nikola now has the ability to re-summon Manaphy. He now allows you to re-summon each legendary you've released once. Bear in mind that neither he nor Community Coordinators will restore your legendary if you release it, intending to utilize the recapture as a reroll. He will only restore the legendary this way once, whether or not you manage to capture it. It is highly recommended that you do not utilize this as a reroll - this is intended for players who accidentally release their legendaries. Having a Regice from Christmas 2017 should no longer interfere with recatching a Regi from the quest. Nikola still does not work with Darkrai, as it is not currently available.
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