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Everything posted by Magicguard

  1. Closed again.
  2. Should be fixed.
  3. Open until 15th December.
  4. You are sure the reroll preview showed you Darkrai?
  5. You are completely certain about all of the following? - You wanted to reroll Darkrai. - Darkrai was in your party, and Regice was in your box. - You wanted to lock Special Attack, but chose to lock Special Defense instead, but neglected to mention this in your original post. - While you were interacting with the NPC, Darkrai was in your party. - The reroll preview showed you Darkrai. - Regice was suddenly moved to your party after the reroll preview, and Darkrai was sent to your box. - Regice's stats were changed. Remember, false bug reports constitute a bannable offense. Requesting to have your Regice restored to its previous state does not.
  6. Interested to know why you chose to lock Special Defense, when your Darkrai has a Special Attack IV of 29, which clearly seems like the better stat to lock.
  7. Go to the edge of the map, not the top left sparkle.
  8. Hi, you should now be able to enter the Dark Realm by walking to the top left corner of Edge of Darkness. Please let me know if this solves the issue.
  9. Fixed, thanks for reporting.
  10. Closed again.
  11. Locked, as it should be resolved.
  12. Changelog 24.7.2019 - Vulcan Island is accessible - New spawns - New shop for Summer Points
  13. I've fixed the bug and deleted your Nikola cooldown. Appreciate the report.
  14. Yes. x1.5.
  15. You aren't stuck. Talk to Slowking in the upper right.
  16. Changelog 07.07.2019 The Legendary Bird trio has been released! This is a permanent addition to PRO. Head to Shamouti Island after completing the main story of Pokemon Revolution (all regions) to start the quest. Assist Melody by collecting the Orbs that empower Lugia's Song to return balance to the island climate! This quest is meant to be endgame. As such, boss encounters can be difficult and have unexpected twists. Don't worry about trying again - they have no cooldown! All three of the legendary birds are catchable, though the requirements for each subsequent bird after the first will increase. Requirements include the following: Pokedex Caught Pokedex Evolved A strong baby Pokemon (Elekid | Magby | Smoochum) A quantity of elemental Gems [*]The first bird should be comparatively easy to obtain. The second bird should be relatively consistent with previous legendary quest difficulty. The last member of the trio will be quite difficult to catch! [*]This is not the Summer Event. Stay tuned for that!
  17. You can go to Lightning Island again. Talk to Slowking.
  18. My comments in bold. I appreciate the feedback.
  19. Can you check if you can see Hannah now?
  20. Can you check if Nikola still gives you an error?
  21. No problem. Locking as resolved.
  22. Can you check if Uxie has shown up now?
  23. I believe these bugs should finally be resolved once and for all. I can't thank you enough for your patience, and apologize for the inconvenience.
  24. Fix should be implemented. Let me know if anything goes wrong.
  25. soonTM (probably tomorrow)
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