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Everything posted by Huskysm

  1. There's absolutely no need to emphasize your full stops, if you don't feel like answering, then simply don't reply. :y: If guides are mistaken then that's not my fault :Grin: To sum up, Larvitar is a Jhoto pokemon, catchable after being Champion in both Jhoto and Kanto (as an alternative you must be a member, which i'm not). And with that being said, i need to have visited Jhoto at least once before purchasing any kind of pokemon coming from Jhoto. (as an instance, a Larvitar) Hope that's correct. EDIT: My goal is not catching it by myself, it's understanding what requirements i need in order to buy one
  2. Source: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=89&t=18605
  3. What if i find someone who can trade/sell it to me? Can i take it without accessing Mt Silver?
  4. Hello, i'm really interested in having a larvitar (Kanto), thing is that i've just beaten the 7th badge, and for this can't still reach Mt. Silver... I've seen people walking around with Tyranitars but still i've heard it's a "Jhoto pokemon" and i first need to go to Jhoto before having it in Kanto (?) Things are getting pretty confused for me, i need someone to clear it all out. Thanks
  5. Fui il primo a proporre l'idea della creazione della gilda. Indignato di non essere tra i co-fondatori, mi vorrei aggregare alla gilda. :Proud:
  6. Se ci sei anche tu, abbiamo chiuso i conti e si può procedere con la creazione della gilda. Volendo metto 10k anche io, così syla mette solo 30. Come volete voi :y:
  7. Re: Miles' Spawn Guide (updated) <r>"Chimchar" is misspelled in Route 2. Epic guide though <E>:y:</E></r>
  8. Parteciperei se non fosse che le mie risorse finanziarie scarseggiano...Ho 40k in totale :Cry:
  9. Use Dig in the ground cracks and hope to find Nuggets
  10. Hey! i would like to join this guild too! Finally i've found a guild that doesn't have dumb forced requirements like joining Skype, Discord etc etc :Grin: 1. What is your name in PRO? HuskySM 2. How many badges do you have? 4 (i'm about to gain the fifth) 3. What is your goal in PRO? Play the game and have fun with other people :Angel: 4. How much do you know about PRO and pokemon? Been playing since ruby and sapphire and for this, i have quite a decent knowledge of the game, even tho i'm pretty new to PRO. I've been looking around on forums and reading most of the guides, so at the end of the day i feel confident enough about basic mechanics. :y:
  11. Messa sotto questo aspetto sembra che gli italiani che giocano sono 5 in totale...E come potete vedere da questo thread non è vero: ce ne sono molti (la maggior parte nuovi al gioco, me compreso). Io personalmente 400k non li ho, è però un peccato che tutti questi player italiani debbano giocare divisi solo per il fatto che non si trova qualcuno che faccia un'altra gilda, tutto qua.
  12. I actually wouldn't mind to join :Smile: I've got a question though: "willing to join Skype etc" means we must join it or it's simply optional?
  13. It happened to me too, i battled a player and lost (so i could be teleported to pokecentre) but didn't work...Once you're in the pokecentre you're still stuck (obviously /ref and relog do not work). Yesterday i've asked help to a Community Coordinator who managed to free me. It happened again today and i'm stuck again in a pokemon centre. Lesson learned: never talk to any NPC. But now i need help EDIT: Relogging worked today. Thanks god :thanks:
  14. Ti rispondo nella maniera più sincera possibile: solo il boss ha il potere di invitare ed espellere i membri nella gilda e attualmente non si vede online da mesi, quindi non ho la più pallida idea di quando tu possa materialmente entrare in gilda. Essendo questa, da quanto mi è sembrato di vedere, l'unica gilda italiana, sarebbe forse meglio farne una nuova? Se il capo gilda non si fa vedere, è inaccessibile a tutti
  15. Sarei interessato ad entrare, in gioco sono HuskySM
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