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Everything posted by Huskysm

  1. Huskysm

    Dig Spots

    Pokemon in a rock is more logic than a hidden Pokemon under the ground ? +1
  2. Huskysm

    Dig Spots

    I only got antidotes and a geodude :Frown:
  3. Huskysm

    Dig Spots

    Wow this is just amazing, those are the best changes i could hear. In 200 hours of gameplay, i've never found any fossil, and it was way too easy to find nothing, but this has now changed :Heart-eyes: Love the idea of having the chance of finding pokemons too :y: Amazing job! :thanks:
  4. Wow! This is awesome! I definitely love this one! :y:
  5. Hi! The best places to lvl up are: Dragons Den, Mt.Silver on the outside (topfloor- where there's the snow), but the best of all is the Cerulean Cave. You can find lvl 60 pokes there, but it requires to be unlocked. :Grin:
  6. That's the best spot to lvl your pokes, but whatever.... Do what you want :confused:
  7. Huskysm

    NB: Hoenn

    As much as I personally think this is a good idea, i do not think its that big of a deal. If people want to buy pokes and rush through johto and its e4 then let them, They still have to find things to do before they can fight bosses and such (due to hours needed on them) Its not effecting anybodys game play in a negative way is it? I agree. If people want to rush through their gameplay, that is their choice. If you don't feel like doing it, then don't do it, don't get anything traded.
  8. Yeah i agree, the box system should see some improvements because it's pretty hard to use as it is now
  9. Anyone knows the cooldown time of the Berry Tower? (and the respawn time of the berries in the viridian forest maze)
  10. Actually it's the exact opposite, the Red server is way more populated and needs to stand in queue for quite a long time, while Blue Server is the newest one, and it has no queue time.
  11. Re: ≥« EV Training Hotspots »≤ [New] <t>Anyone knows the cooldown of the Berry Tower?</t>
  12. Re: Super Rod - Missing <r><QUOTE author="Zupercooer"><s> </e></QUOTE> Thanks a lot, i'll try. <E>:y:</E></r>
  13. Re: Super Rod - Missing <r><QUOTE author="Zupercooer"><s> </e></QUOTE> Actually i've only bought the old rod, i guess i need both then (?)</r>
  14. Hello everyone, my question is very simple: i knew i could buy the Super Rod in Olivine City, but apparently the guy selling it is no longer doing so. I'm wondering if it's been moved to hoenn or something like that, because i actually wanted to fish a dratini to get the mount, without spending millions in the safari. Thanks, HuskySM :Grin:
  15. Impara a leggere almeno l'italiano. Questa gilda è morta. Riccatt, chiedi a qualche Moderatore di chiudere questo post, si eviteranno ulteriori incomprensioni
  16. Double post, made by mistake.
  17. There's already limited time in which you can be AFK. After a certain time you'll be automatically kicked out. If you are a new player i suggest you trying the Blue server, which should be a lot less populated (and so you'll get in with no problems). The Red Server is so populated because it's the oldest server of the 2, this is why you get a 1000 people queue. Hope this may help you :y:
  18. Ascolta, in primis ti conviene da ora in poi scrivere in inglese, è un forum internazionale questo, quindi scrivi in inglese. In secondo luogo, la tua domanda (riguardante la tua squadra) non è adatta a questa sezione (è una domanda da "General Game Talk"), qui si chiede solo aiuto e informazioni, non si chiacchiera sul gioco. PS: Larvitar lo si trova al Mt.Silver (Jhoto) oppure alle Sevii Island (Kanto), ma queste ultime sono raggiungibili solo dai membri
  19. I tried, and it worked here, so i guess that's the right way of solving that issue. I even have 2 different monitor sizes, (1920x1080 and 1440x900) and i haven't seen any problems :y:
  20. Mt Silver is Kanto. Pokemons you catch in Mt Silver are Kanto mons and can be traded with people who have just gotten the 4th KANTO badge. Period. If you dont believe me GO THERE and catch a larvitar and PrintScreen it to prove me wrong Things got unclear again, nice :confused: EDIT: i've never been there, but is it possible that the mount is partially in Kanto and partially in Jhoto?
  21. Okay then, it's all clear now. Thanks to anyone who answerd for helping out. :thanks:
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