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Berfinchan last won the day on May 31 2020

Berfinchan had the most liked content!


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  1. 1.8 M
  2. +1
  3. please add Iron Head TM088 to Goldenroad city market or TM sellers. I cant teach it my pokemon when i looked bublapedia, only way to teach it is by TM, it cant learn Iron head from tutor from Olivine city cafe or tutor heaven. Thank you
  4. Auction: Start price: 300k End : 48 hours(after start price is met) Insta price: 1.2m Minimum raise 50k Accepted Payments: Pokedollars, Coin capsule(400k) IV Reroll Ticket(500k). If a bid received in the final 15 minutes of the auction, the end point will be delayed by 15 minutes from that bid, and will be delayed by 15 minutesfor each new bid thereafter, until the current offer has been held for a full 15 minutes.
  5. 10 k start i give 10 k
  6. start it i give 10 k
  7. SOLD
  8. +1 need battle animations
  9. +1 i agree probably they add Z moves in new area
  10. Make Pvp in outside or make pvp battle arena players can battle in pvp arena not in pokecenter , for my opinion i really dont like battle in pokecenter and pokecenter musics make me sick :'D
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