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Everything posted by Somes

  1. YO plebs, Sommie here Was gettin bored and decided to make this exdeeee Took me 3 hours tho but pfft. here it is: Had to add Name cuz stealin plebs are everywhere. #bestcopyrightprintEVER ANNNNNNNNNNDDDDD MY OTHER STUFFS? :O :Sing: SUPAMANNN Please, do not copy em or try to edit, if ya do so then.. (OPEN DA SPOILER) Feel free to comment what ya think. I'll be making more when i'm free or when im in mood of makin em xD
  2. Re: Selling shiny Breloom, shiny tauros <t>1k on each :O</t>
  3. i didnt know that it was added to all bosses... but i like it!!! it was sooo long time that the shiny trade channel in forums had nothing( like s rare)!!! noone was selling something!!! so atleast now people are getting shinies and the shiny trade channel is starting getting life again :) fun? where's fun in collecting shinies that other people can get in a short time aswell? no uniqueness.
  4. Re: ≥« EV Training Hotspots »≤ UPDATED [8/7/16] <t>120k views kek , thanks for usin da guide.</t>
  5. Re: ▲INFERNO BLAZE▲ ⎪The first Guild in PRO⎪Red Server- Recruiting Active PvP players. <t>bump..</t>
  6. I know that the shiny chance was added to all the bosses but was it increased some how? :S Red server: Shiny Pawniard, Shiny Froakie, Shiny Larvesta x 3, Shiny Shinx, shiny Smoochum,Shiny igglybuff, Shiny Shuckle in less than 2 weeks I mean 3 Larvestas already lol Ain't this makin Rare shinies a lil bit commoner? :S
  7. Rip was bout to offer shiny venu anf 10m rip
  8. Pheww, so you made an intro finally exdee. Welcome to PRO.
  9. [bbvideo=400,150] [/bbvideo]
  10. Re: ▲INFERNO BLAZE▲ ⎪The first Guild in PRO⎪Red Server- Recruiting Active PvP players. <t>BUmperino</t>
  11. Re: SHINY KANGASKHAN and SHINY TAUROS <t>3m kanga.</t>
  12. 1st - What country are you from? India 2nd - What server are you? Red 3rd - Why did they choose this server? Hue playin from the day the game released there was red only. 4th - Are you happy on this server? Nop. 5th - What is your favorite Pokémon in the game (PRO) and in the all franchise? Metagross for lyfe. 6th - And which Pokémon would you most like to own? Answered in the above question. 7th - What's your favorite shiny version in the Pokémon franchise? Shiny Metagross 8th - And, finally, what does Pokémon mean to you? Umm, hobby? imma die hard fan of pokeeemanz <3
  13. Welcome to PRO and forums
  14. Welcome to PRO and forums dud :)
  15. Welcome Brigid ,Enjoy the game and forums
  16. Re: ▲INFERNO BLAZE▲ ⎪The first Guild in PRO⎪Red Server- Recruiting Active PvP players. <r><QUOTE author="quanle92"><s> </e></QUOTE> *inserts kappapride emote*</r>
  17. Re: ▲INFERNO BLAZE▲ ⎪The first Guild in PRO⎪Red Server- Recruiting Active PvP players. <r><QUOTE author="bastiaan"><s> </e></QUOTE> Hey man welcome to blaze :D visit our discord :)</r>
  18. Heyo, welcome to PRO~ Enjoy your stay.
  19. Heyo, welcome to PRO~ Enjoy your stay.
  20. Re: ▲INFERNO BLAZE▲ ⎪The first Guild in PRO⎪Red Server- Recruiting Active PvP players. <r>bamp <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  21. And that's not possible lol, it wasn't a glitch. Its you who misclicked
  22. Re: ▲INFERNO BLAZE▲ ⎪ The first Guild in PRO ⎪ Red Server ⎪ International Guild - NOW RECRUITING!! <r><QUOTE author="kduytnt"><s> </e></QUOTE> <URL url="https://discord.gg/x9nr296">https://discord.gg/x9nr296</URL><br/> welcome to blase :D</r>
  23. Re: ▲INFERNO BLAZE▲ ⎪ The first Guild in PRO ⎪ Red Server ⎪ International Guild - NOW RECRUITING!! <r><QUOTE author="PoroKun"><s> </e></QUOTE> Welcome to blaze :)<br/> <URL url="https://discord.gg/x9nr296">https://discord.gg/x9nr296</URL><br/> come here</r>
  24. :Cool: yipeeeeeeeeee yayayyyyyaaaaaaaay
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