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Everything posted by Somes

  1. They always will duh.. use a soda pop and it'll transform into a baltoy.
  2. Good idea indeed like we got sylveon and stuffs, but i think there's already lots of stuffs on Shane's Table to do which are needed more than this imo. Thanks.
  3. Re: Ancient Times Guildshop (SHINY EPIC KINGDRA AUCTION) <r><QUOTE author="RoboTeddy"><s> </e></QUOTE> Man, I'm sorry! Didn't notice it yet.<br/> 24 hours from now. BO`s on you =)<e> </e></QUOTE> Alright, good to know thanks.</r>
  4. Lf offers Instant 700k Auction Time: 2 days Rule: welp, i have a price in mind if it doesn't reaches it i'll cancel auction.
  5. Re: Ancient Times Guildshop (SHINY EPIC KINGDRA AUCTION) <t>I'll start the bid on Elecktross.<br/> I'd like to know how long the bid carries on =^.^=</t>
  6. thanks dude ^^ Np =^.^=
  7. Tc, hope i'll c u soon . ^.^
  8. Gl with Espada Tat <3 gimme some monies too
  9. spdef ruined it 100-150k.
  10. Growlithe #1 lv. 33 (Kanto) Ability: Intimidate Nature: Adamant ATK 26+ DEF 30 SPD 23 SPATK 12- SPDEF 6 HP 29 60-100k Growlithe #2 lv. 33 (Kanto) Ability: Intimidate Nature: Jolly ATK 23 DEF 22 SPD 27+ SPATK 15- SPDEF 13 HP 12 50k Growlithe #3 lv. 33 (Kanto) Ability: Intimidate Nature: Adamant ATK 13+ DEF 28 SPD 22 SPATK 31- SPDEF 29 HP 27 30k Growlithe #4 lv. 34 (Kanto) Ability: Intimidate Nature: Adamant ATK 27+ DEF 31 SPD 20 SPATK 14- SPDEF 5 HP 7 30k Growlithe #1 lv. 34 (Kanto) Ability: Flash Fire Nature: Adamant ATK 22+ DEF 22 SPD 17 SPATK 29- SPDEF 15 HP 17 40k
  11. needs timid 1/10 and lame ivs.
  12. Re: Somu's Poké Shoppie [Cheap Stuffs from 40-350k]UPDATE 21/10/16 added lvl100's <r>added <IMG src="https://image.prntscr.com/image/b86704cfb2b444b68f7cd7b448123f18.png"><s></e></IMG></r>
  13. 19m for bid :V
  14. Re: Somu's Poké Shoppie [Cheap Stuffs from 40-100k]Constantly Updating <r>Sold Hippo: <IMG src="https://image.prntscr.com/image/0e0e17af3f0d41ec967d3b0bc944e995.png"><s></e></IMG></r>
  15. Re: Somu's Poké Shoppie [Cheap Stuffs from 40-100k]Constantly Updating <t>Sold Beldum with 26/29</t>
  16. Re: Somu's Poké Shoppie [Cheap Stuffs from 40-100k]Constantly Updating <r><IMG src="https://image.prntscr.com/image/f3c9702d6cd6465785490fd031447be8.png"><s></e></IMG></r>
  17. Re: Somu's Poké Shoppie [Cheap Stuffs from 40-100k]Constantly Updating <r><QUOTE author="Lance028"><s> </e></QUOTE> Ok Lance im online now meet me ingame.</r>
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