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Omgupta2 last won the day on March 15 2021

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About Omgupta2

  • Birthday August 16

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  1. Damn, I won vcg 2069 with it, I came back to past to white it. Thanks man.
  2. U posted this on pro discord , and I freakin anticipated it , Amma say this : git gud nube
  3. Pokemon : Eevee Form : I tried to make Halloween but ended up with Xmas, so yea it's a XMAS EEVEE http://imgur.com/gallery/06kLjdN Ye ik I broke a lot of requirements, but I just wanted to showcase. Teehee :3
  4. You gonna post this info of the stats anytime or what dude? I wanna see 50% stall atleast kekw
  5. +1 , please ban mega mawile, and also mega Sableye and leave my poor mega Metagross out of this so that we can have a good time ~~sweeping noobs~~ in PvP . Jokes apart I agree to Gen. Mega mawile is insanely strong and deserves a ban
  6. Pokemon revolution online, in my honest opinion is not pay-to-win at all. You can definitely donate and get ccs , which are definitely not to be taken lightly but they dont really help you win "anything" the only thing, you can really win by donating and selling lots of ccs is just gonna help you hit high ononey ladder. But money ladder doesn't have any merits what so ever. You don't get anything for being there , and if you ask me many players don't even bother to check the money ladder . Don't really think it's p2w cause you are not winning anything
  7. Hello guys Gupta here So there have been times I come accross players who ask if PRO is p2w? I am starting this thread looking for what you guys think if it is p2w or not. I will also be posting my opinions later today! Please keep in mind when I say p2w I mean by Donation and nothing else.
  8. I am ware that this bug was there years ago, so yes this is a new one (or probably the old one got triggered again)
  9. This bug is back , a bug where you can skip NPCs by reloging How it was triggered by me? I found this bug on my android device while I was region running.
  10. Beyond the boundary, I really love it! I looked up for different endings(even fan-made once) but none of them gave a "happy ending". I mean the girl dies for her lingering love nothing breaks my heart more >.<
  11. +1 definitely I like the idea of "Random" ladder cutting the rewards from normal (Ou) ladder or maybe 1/3 of ou should be fine , because, just a speculation, randoms queue will be full to the brim. Reason? As mentioned less time invested, I'd say no time invested for you to join random queue. The way things are with current ranks I assume a player who is not done with any gyms at all should be able to join it? Guess it will become kinda broken if this happens but just a thing to keep in mind , I.e, requirements to join random queue(maybe same as 4th gym is fine , cause technically have seen a few ppl do PvP with kanto only Pokemon)
  12. I just read the 1st part, and I already know the rest. Alright +1 this
  14. Updated prices on Scizor 800k-> 700k (s.o.) Updated price on Aegislash 2m -> 1.5m
  15. Hell yeah we need some anime skins!
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