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Everything posted by Polyxena

  1. And this user got the trapinch in his pokedex and box then? Mysterious :Ambivalent:
  2. NP I am no english native speaker as well ;) . I think, that you just found a sandile as a object that blocks your way...when you know what I mean? Like a rock, a tree or something like this but not as a pokemon. I am not even sure if you are able to find a sandile in PRO because until now no one could tell me until which generation you are able to find pokemons in pro. So if you haven't received a message like "you found a sandile!" or "sandile's data was send to your pokedex" or things like this I don't think that you really found a sandile :( maybe it was a bad joke from the admins :P (just kiddin).
  3. Hey welcome Uncle, a streamer colleague, nice :Grin: ! Unfortunately I cannot watch you right now but when I am at home I will check your twitch profile ;) . So wish you a nice stream and a lot of fun with PRO. Greets, Polyxena
  4. I know this question sounds weird but did u really "find" that sandile? So normally if you act to a pokemon, that for example stays near to you there comes a message that this pokemon was added to your pokedex. So did u fight against a sandile, did u react with a sandile or what happened exactly?
  5. xremux I streamed PRO last week under the game Pokemon Omega / Alpha as well. I just took as title "Pokémon Revolution Online" :) but I hope that Twitch will add this game to their list as soon as possible :Grin:
  6. Hello Realm, I think that you never get these 6 millions because of the fact, that the IVs of your Sylveon aren't that good. Sylveon has its strongest base stats at SPDEF, SPATK & HP. The IV at his strongest stat (SPDEF) is only at 16, at his next strongest (SPATK) it is at 26, this is not bad but useless for a Sylveon with its role as a wall. The 3rd strongest base stat (HP) is at 26 as well and you skilled the EV to the Maximum (this is good). So you tried to skill this Sylveon to a wall, but his IV at DEF is only at 6 even if you fully skilled the EV and the nature increases the DEF about 10% a Sylveon with high IV (and EV) at SPDEF and HP and the nature SASSY would be much better than yours. I hope I could explain it clearly ^^. I feel sorry for you but I would suggest you to lower your price extremely if you want to sell it. Greets, Polyxena :Smile:
  7. Good evening PRO players, I want to introduce myself, too because I finally got my account but couldn't start to play yet so I just use my free time otherwise. My name is Julia, I am 23 years old and live in Germany. In my past I started playing Pokemon with the yellow edition ("Pika, pika") so I am so excited to try PRO as soon as possible. When I start playing I will also try to stream this game if I like it to get more players in contact with it :Grin: . Maybe we see each other inGame! Greets, Polyxena
  8. Welcome Luis, we already got to know each other in the forum :) maybe we meet inGame, too. Good luck and have fun (when the server are online again).
  9. Thank you very much for the hint LtShock. @Pikapro of course there is a spam folder, it is just a bit hidden. I got my mail some hours ago q.q
  10. I also tried gmail and hotmail and haven't received an answer yet :( I think there are some problems with the mail servers? Some information would be nice.
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