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Everything posted by Polyxena

  1. This one looks already pretty good :o and I know there is one logo guy in saffron but there I could only draw a logo by myself couldn't I?
  2. Welcome to PRO Extemper :) wish u have much more fun with this game in the future!
  3. Good morning trainers :Grin: , I really need your creative brains because just a few weeks ago we opened our multigaming community (with the logo you can see in my signature) and now I wanna have this logo (without text) ingame over my head. Just saw that nearly every guild hase some nice pics above their heads so I want to know how I can make our community logo as a guild logo in PRO? Thank you very much in advance for your help guys :y:
  4. Welcome to PRO Rakashi :) have fun playing this game and good luck by hunting some nice Pokes :y:
  5. Welcome to PRO Joann :) have a nice stay here :Smile:
  6. Yeaaaah more female players joining PRO (^.^)/ Welcome and enjoy this game!
  7. Welcome to PRO Warrior :Smile: have a nice stay and fun with this game!
  8. * Mitgliederliste updated * Ich begrüße alle neuen Trials recht herzlich in unserer Community :Smile:
  9. ~ INFO ~ <i></i> Wir suchen noch immer freundliche und aktive Mitglieder, die eventuell sogar nach Ablauf der Probezeit daran interessiert wären den PRO Bereich bei uns zu verwalten. Näheres zu den freien Positionen und deren einzelnen Aufgaben findet ihr in unserem Forum: https://nerdsgocasual.de/forum
  10. Nabend Micha :) du hattest dich ja auch noch wie ich mitbekommen habe über das Formular beworben und dürftest schon eine Antwort per Mail erhalten haben. Liebe Grüße und noch einen schönen Abend!
  11. Gastly was traded yesterday to Marc :Smile: .
  12. ~ Info ~ <i></i> After this order from Caspar the status for taking any more orders is closed until I finished some of the accepted ones :Smile: . Thank you very much for your orders and Keep visit my thread because [glow=blue]I am going to update my Poke Sale the next days![/glow] :Heart-eyes:
  13. @DarckStar yes you can surf to seafoam Islands before u got the 6th badge. I know that because just got my 6th badge some days ago :P
  14. Hey welcome to the Forum Merchant :P
  15. Nice link :o haven't seen such a page yet. Thanks for sharing it!
  16. die ersten Trial-Mitglieder haben sich bei uns eingefunden und was wir noch [glow=red]dringend[/glow] suchen sind Team-Mitglieder für unseren PRO Bereich! Nähere Infos erhaltet ihr hier:
  17. Both orders accepted and added to my hunting list. Meanwhile I got the 6th badge btw :Smile: .
  18. Welcome to PRO Pique, even if the Servers are down I hope u enjoy this game :)
  19. Hey welcome to PRO Diszpi, I hope you enjoy this game!
  20. Hey anonymouswalrus, normally the battel Chat should be used as rate Chat but nobody do so because most of the People ask as u sid in help Chat or even in trade Chat about rating. I always see the trade mods trying to tell them to write in battle Chat but I agree with u that there should be another solution as the battle Chat (because when I think about a battle Chat I think about pvp-players asking each other for fighting and I believe that most of the other Players think so, too). I wish you good luck with your rate Chat channel :Grin:
  21. ~ Information ~ Yesterday in the evening I continued my hunting session and started to search for the ordered Magikarp :Grin: . Also I'll try to complete the orders as fast as possible now because I am thinking about combining my hunting Service with EV-Training. :Smile:
  22. Welcome to PRO HeathenBacon enjoy this game and have a nice stay! :Smile:
  23. No? You can see when he wrote his post in the forum and I said in the main post and after your post when the auction will end :)
  24. ~ Auction for Gastly & Kadabra is over! ~ Gastly: 10k from MarcSubstitude Kadabra: 20k from misterlau Please write me via PM when you are online so I can give you the Pokémon :)
  25. Welcome to PRO chili11, I hope you enjoy this game and have a nice stay! :Grin:
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