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Everything posted by Snoopdogginson

  1. 4m Edit - ofc i will transfer
  2. 222k scrafty
  3. You have no end point bro
  4. 8.2m
  5. It's there now. Thank you very much! And thanks for dealing with it so quickly
  6. Hello gentlemen I recently won an extremely messy auction: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/231649-auction-xmas-squirtle/ (did not enjoy being part of that, yikes) When I logged in I had a prompt saying the money was deducted. True enough the money is gone, but I don't see no pokemon homies I'm guessing this is a mistake.. To make it easier the ID of the pokémon is 89544144 Peace, Snoop
  7. @Zoruami I'll bid 1.4m then
  8. 35k swinub 100k phanpy 1.420.420 char
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