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Posts posted by Livana

  1. I heard that there's a guy in Trainer Valley who can swap Latios/Latias for the other one, but I've looked all over and I can't find him anywhere. I think his name is Traveller Charles, anyone know where he is?


    Hello @SilverKaiDog.

    I am sorry for the inconvenience caused.


    You can find Hoenn traveler charles on the east side of trainers valley, Take a look below for directions on where to find him.

    [spoiler=Hoenn Traveler Charles]URB6N1S.png.13307f8acff78c7cbc28617864dbd77e.png




    Please let me know if this helps.

    Kind regards, Livana.

  2. So I wanted to login on my account and I tried changing my password, But I still can't join in game, but I can still login on the forums.


    What do I do ?


    Kind regards, Quavez


    Hello @Quavez.


    I am sorry for the inconvenience.

    Could you let me know what error you are receiving when trying to log in to the game?


    Looking forward to your reply.

    Kind regards, Livana.

  3. Hello, i made this account because i cant access my gold server account akshay4492 on Forums . i can login to discord but get the message the requesed user cannot be found when i login on Forum.

    Please help


    Hello @akshay1992,


    I am sorry for the inconvenience caused.


    You will be able to use the account "akshay4492" on the forums now. Please note you will need to change your password first.

    You can change your password Here, making sure the password is a alphanumerical (characters from a to z and from 0 to 9).


    Please let me know if this helps.


    Have a wonderful day.

    Kind regards, Livana.

  4. When I try to load on silver server it says invalid username or password work even though I know I’m using right password and username. How should I fix this


    Hello @Sykha,


    I am sorry for the inconvenience caused.


    As i mentioned above, this is a common error that can occur when merging, all you will now need to do is change your password making sure it is alphanumeric

    (characters from a to z and from 0 to 9) you can do so by following the link below.



    Kind regards, Livana.

  5. I just did my server transfer and I used to play on blue server but accidentally transferred to gold server


    Hello @Sykha,


    Red and Blue servers were merged to create Silver server and Yellow server was renamed to Gold server.

    I have had a look at our tools and can see you have correctly merged your blue account which you will now be able to play on via the Silver server.


    please feel free to take a look at the merge megathread for any merge related FAQ - MERGE MEGATHREAD.


    If you are to receive the error of "Invalid username/password" please follow the link below to change your password.



    If you have any further questions, feel free to ask.

    Kind regards, Livana.

  6. In this case I am interested in this proposal


    you can ban my account

    thank you


    Hello @Teamoniaque,


    I have gone ahead and issued your account with a permanent ban as specified above.

    If you wish to play on the account in the future you will just need to make a request in the discipline appeals section.


    As this has been resolved i will now lock this thread.


    Have a wonderful day.

    Kind regards, Livana.

  7. what mean about "too rough to surf"?


    Hello @MJwinner,


    You will need a pokemon with the ability "Cloud nine" in your party to be able to surf out of Shamouti Island.

    You can find below the pokemon who have the ability.

    [spoiler=Cloud Nine Ability]










    As mentioned above, all information in regards to the Legendary Birds quest can be found Here.


    I hope the above information helps.

    Kind regards, Livana.


    I was doing the Quest with a friend.

    Everything was normal, we arrived on the island and we both went in to talk to Melody.

    I speak normally to my friend and he had no problems.

    While on my part, that error appeared to me.


    [ATTACH type=full" alt="96000]96000[/ATTACH]


    Then I tried to talk to Classy Mariann and this appeared to me.


    [ATTACH type=full" alt="96001]96001[/ATTACH]


    Hello @Locuraa,


    I am sorry for the inconvenience caused.


    To be able to continue with the Legendary bird quest, you will need to have the seen data of all three legendary birds " Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres ".

    You will need to visit all three legendary birds in their respective areas.


    [spoiler=Articuno]Seafoam B4F (Kanto)


    [spoiler=Zapdos]Powerplant (Kanto)


    [spoiler=Moltres]Victory Road 3F (Kanto)



    I can see from our tools that you only have the seen data for Moltres, you will now need to gain the seen data of the last two legendary birds.

    You can check for further information Here in regards to the Legendary Birds quest.


    If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to ask.

    Kind regards, Livana.

  9. Good morning / good evening, I would like you to delete my account please.

    Because I do not use it


    Hello @Teamoniaque,


    I would like to inform you that, due to security issues, it's not possible to delete your account. We cannot allow this as users might perform actions in-game that are against the rules, request a removal and we are not able to prove it down anymore. However, if it's your request we could permanently ban your account until you want to play again.


    Let me know if you are interested in accepting this offer.

    Have a wonderful day !

  10. I can enter the forum with my account, but I can't enter the game. What I do I have email password and account login.


    Hello @LuisToog,


    I am sorry for the inconvenience caused.

    Could you please go ahead and change your password here PASSWORD RESET

    ensuring that it is alphanumerical (characters from a to z and from 0 to 9)



    Please let me know if this helps.

    Kind regards, Livana.

  11. I just returned to the game today after being away for a while and i merged my blue and red servers to play on silver. After doing this it will now tell me my account is invalid when i try to long into silver but i can still log into gold


    Hello @IHeartOreos ,


    I am sorry for the inconvenience caused.

    This is an error that can happen while merging, However all you will now need to do is reset your password.


    Could you please go ahead and change your password here PASSWORD RESET

    ensuring that it is alphanumerical (characters from a to z and from 0 to 9)



    I recommend reading the EVERYTHING ABOUT THE MERGE post for any questions related to merging.



    Please let me know if this helps, looking forward to your reply.

    Kind regards, Livana.

  12. Hello, I am a returning player. Before i play both on yellow and blue, now it seems i only have my pokes from yellow here on gold server. Is there a way I can acquire my pokes from Blue?


    Hello @Adaline03,


    I have had a look at your account via our tools and i see you have yet to merge it.

    Please take note that the RED and BLUE servers have merged to form the Silver Server, and the Yellow Server is now renamed as the Gold Server.


    I can see that you have 216 hours on BLUE, when merging please make sure to select the correct server, You now just need to merge your account, i will explain how to do so below.


    You will need to merge your account by logging in to the DASHBOARD.

    When you arrive at the Dashboard you will be given an option to merge, Select the desired merge option, once you get the successful merge dialogue, you're done!


    I recommend reading the EVERYTHING ABOUT THE MERGE post for any question related to merging.


    If you happen to get the Invalid Password/Username error, please go ahead and change your password here PASSWORD RESET

    ensuring that it is alphanumerical (characters from a to z and from 0 to 9)


    If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask.

    Kind regards, Livana.

  13. cant see their iv when this happens


    Hello @Roronoa24,


    I am sorry for the inconvenience caused.


    This is an indicator that the pokemon is currently being lent out to the user through the lending trade option.

    If linked via the chat channels or private direct messages they will appear gray and unable to be viewed.


    If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask.


    Kind regards, Livana.

  14. My Ign - TheOldNite

    joined - 2015


    Its been a while since I've played PRO and I don't remember my password


    Hello @TheOldNite,


    I'm sorry about the inconvenience caused.


    I would like to inform you that you are able to request a password change HERE.

    Please, remember to check the junk mail and make sure to enter the email that is linked with the account.

    Also, take note that the email could take up to 30 minutes to be received.


    If after 30 minute's you find you still have not received an email please try using the link above in another browser such as Firefox or Chrome.

    If after all this you should not receive an email, could you please try to repeat the same procedure from your smartphone.


    However if you do receive the reset email please remember to select an alphanumerical password (characters from A to Z and 0 to 9).


    Let me know if you have been successful in solving your issue and if you have any further questions.


    Kind regards, Livana.

  15. Currently a Problem appeared.

    By trying to log in into the Game it doesn't accept my username.

    The Last Time i played was last year and i wanted to Play it again.

    Please help.


    P.s. i sent an email to the Support 2 weeks ago still no answer :(


    Hello @Veve1991 ,


    As this has been resolved, i will now lock this thread.


    Have a wonderful day.

    Regards Livana.

    • Like 1
  16. I don't know if they changed the place but my eeve does not evolve to glaceon in ice path I tried to lower my happiness because it only evolved to umbreon but still it did not work if it was a game bug or it changed where I evolved to glaceon and now I have an eeve lvl 99 and I don't know how to make it evolve to glaceon: V


    Hello @flyworld,


    I am sorry for the inconvenience caused.


    You can evolve Eevee to Glaceon by leveling up in either the Low Tides Room or on Route 217.





    If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask.

    Kind regards, Livana.

  17. 8440879. Es el ID del Pokémon que borre no sé manejar mucho el foro pero siento que aquí puedo publicar ayúdenme porfavor[ATTACH type=full" alt="94976]94976[/ATTACH]


    Hello @iCacherazo,


    I have recovered your Gyarados for you, It should now be in the last slots of your PC.

    Please try to be careful next time.


    For future reference if you are to release a Pokemon on accident and need it to be restored, please use the RESTORE POKEMON MEGATHREAD.


    As this has been resolved i will now lock the thread.


    Have a lovely day.

    Kind regards, Livana.

  18. Help!! i cant move my magicarp and ponyta around in my team, i also tried to put team in my storage box and even that is not working. they are like basicly stuck in the team but i can use them for battles


    Hello @disNinja,


    I am sorry for the inconvenience caused.

    This is an issue that can be caused by two things:

    • Due to the merge your Pokémon get re-ordered automatically and it may happen that, while you haven't finished the story part of your current region, some Pokémon gets stuck in your party and you can't move them until you finish the story of the current region.
    • A recent client had a bug where all Pokémon you caught may had a wrong region as caught region and so, if you were still completing the story of another region, those Pokémon would have been locked in your party until you would have finished the story of the current region.


    You will now need to make a post over on the STUCK IN PARTY MEGATHREAD .


    If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask.

    Kind regards, Livana.

  19. ¡Bueno! acaba de caer el servidor de plata y cuando regresó sin querer que no arregle la posición de mi pokemon y lo elimine por error, ¿podría restaurarlo? Desde ya muchas gracias.


    Hello @Vuvucelas,



    I have recovered your Omanyte for you, It should now be in the last slots of your PC.

    Please try to be careful next time.


    For future reference if you are to release a Pokemon on accident and need it to be restored, please use the RESTORE POKEMON MEGATHREAD.


    As this has been resolved i will now lock the thread.


    Have a lovely day.

    Kind regards, Livana.

  20. No way, finally I've been able to get into the game!! Hahaha, due to your past message I've known that in-game and forum passwords doesn't have to be necessarily the same password. So I've been trying a lot of passwords at the game and one of them was the correct one. Shame on me for opening this thread and bothering you with this problem in spite it was easier than what i thought.


    For the last time, thanks a lot for helping me with this issue! I haven't received the email to change the password but I have login to the game. Guess the e-mail problem is due to changing my forum password very recently, as you've said.




    Hello @Skora ,


    I am glad to hear that you have been able to

    Sort this out.


    For future reference if you would like to change the password for in-game please follow the link provided below.




    As this has been resolved, I will now lock this thread.


    Have a wonderful day.

    Kind regards, Livana.

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