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Everything posted by Miguel190

  1. 1.1m
  2. S.O:500K Min Bid:100k Insta: 3m I only accept Cash/Coin capsule : 350k/Reroll ticket : 650k 48 hours auction The first bid will start the auction time and enjoy it ! Merry Christmas everyone and happy new year soon
  3. what is your budget ?
  4. End of auction congrats to Herusuno contact when you can . That's my discord Migo#1496
  5. AUCTION (i hope you enjoy it and first auction as well ^^) Auction Start Offer : 750k Min Bid : 100k Accept Payments : Pokedollars , CC (360k) , IV RR (650k) Insta :1.5m End 24hours After First Bid
  6. Type of request:restore I accidentally released my poke can u please retrieve it to me only the skarmory Gold server Username:miguel190
  7. Yeah I will trade ,sorry I was kinda busy lately in my life and I totally forgot about it my bad My ING name miguel190 Discord:migo#1496
  8. Hey I accidentally release my happiny can you restore it back please ,thank you. Lvl 25 Happiny ID 54611548 Server:GOLD name in game : miguel190 Best regards.
  9. Well my dear friend,you were the most close friend I ever meet in this game although you invited randomly to the game :) . That decision was the best thing that ever happened to me in this game we builded such strong friendship together and you pushed me to learn pvp properly, I just wanna thank you man for all you did to me ,and I will miss you brother.
  10. Start
  11. Hey i m from gold and my name in game is miguel190 so i released the wrong pokemon by mistake i just know its alomomola lvl 40 and the ID is 44718673 and if u can restore it to my pc if u can and thank you ^^
  12. i was not trying to steal any pokemon at all
  13. My name is miguel190 in the game ,and i m in gold server , i was looking in the trade a guy want to buy a leveling service pokemon,and i decide to do it ,it was my first time as well,we traded in pokecenter in vermillion city and the pokemon was in hoenn ,and i didn't know that i can t level it if i didn't unlock that specific region ,i was trying to trade it but i couldn't ,for me i finished johto ,i though i can do the leveling but not everywhere ,my bad here is a photo proof of the pokemon ID:33140676 from Hoenn pokemon: KOFFING the name the guy who traded me :Amanpokemont ty for your support
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