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Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. Hello RED community, today I am happy to present you with the launch of a new tournament which will hopefully provide the community with some high level PvP gameplay and content for you to enjoy. We want to provide an environment for best players to compete in for big prizes while providing the community the chance to watch the battles and learn from them. That is why we will collect entry fees (ensures activity), offer meaningfully big prizes (ensures quality players) and most importantly require everyone to record their games and provide the links to them so that community can watch them. Alternatively, matches can also be streamed if both opponents agree. We invite everyone to join the official tournament discord server where you will be able to interact with players and discuss matches and tournament PvP. Link: https://discord.gg/UeVw9DM Tournament format will be Double elimination bracket which will provide people with more chances to win and further reduce the RNG. All series are bo5 exept the finals which is a bo7 with the player advancing from winners bracket starting the series with an automatic 1:0 lead in the series. Example: What you need to know: Entry fee: 500k Rewards: 1st 5M 2nd 2M 3rd 1M Entry fees and rewards will scale according to amount of people wanting to participate in the future. :Registration rules and process: 1. Each player can register themselves and 12 Pokemon that they will use throughout the turnament. To register a pokemon, paritcipant must provide pokemon name and ID. Example: Magnemite, ID: 17893321 2. Pokemon with certain ID can only be used by 1 player. ( Players can not trade pokemon for others to use in this turnament. This will be checked before each series if opponent asks for it) 3. Participants must Join Official tournament discord channel (https://discord.gg/UeVw9DM) and PM any of the hosts the selected 12 pokemon with their IDs and sending an 500k entry fee ingame. 4. Only 1 account per Person can be registered (NO ALTS) 5. The teams of 12 pokemon will be revealed to the public once 16 players register and pay their fees 6. Each player must be able to make a recording of the series, and provide evidence that they are indeed using the registered pokemon by showing their IDs ingame. IF players want to hide their IVs/natures that is within their right 7. The tournament will start shortly after the brackets are revealed :Battle rules: 1. The series will be played as a best of 5 untill the finals which will be best of 7. We hope this will eliminate some RNG elements from the game and make the better player win more often. 2. Each player has 2 bans they can use to prevent opponent from bringing 2 out of 12 registered pokemon to the series. Sufficient time must pass between decleration of bans and the start of the series. Screenshot of decided bans must be provided 3. Players can use any combination of the nonbanned registered pokemon for each battle during the series 4. Each round will take a maximum of 3 days. Opponents must decide on the day and time (IN THE RANGE OF THE 3 DAYS) of their series so that agreement can be Screenshot and provided as proof if players do not show up at the specific time. Date and time must be posted in UTC+0. IF someone doesnt show up for the agreed time they are disqualified unless they manage to find their opponent and finish the battle within the remaining 3 day period. IF no date is set and battles do not finish in 3 days both players are disqualified 5. Time stalling is NOT allowed. (if you are clearly loosing and are wasting time you will be disqualified if evidence is provided) 6. A player can resign the battle or the series at any time to the opponent to not waste time. 7. All PRO ranked PvP rules apply For any additional info contact your hosts Likuet, iRafayel and Fadoka on discord server found here: https://discord.gg/UeVw9DM
  2. Haunted site - Rotom
  3. We appreciate your effort. The goals of PVP should do the following imo: Create a desire in people to pvp more even if you are top 1 rating so you dont just sit there and wait and making people feel accomplished by reaching milestones. These are both possible by giving good rewards that do not lose value over time. For instance a chance of catching a synced rare pokemon with X amount of points is way more value and longevity than everyone buying toxic orbs which saturate the market soon untill there is no use for buying them with coins. This would also mean you could pvp instead of hunt if you really dont like the grind of hunting. The cosmetics (mounts, clothes) are good but for a player like myself who doesnt care about them, i have little reason to keep pvping. The primary focus should be on pvp which is the only player based content and the only one that doesnt run out of possibilities and as it stands right now the only endgame besides daycare quest and i guess excavation sites, but these 2 get repetitive very quickly. How hard would it be to implement spectator system? Is it even doable? :) That would attract players that want to improve their game to watch some higher rated matches imo. Liku
  4. But till its added dc could be a viable unperfect alternative.
  5. Both DC penalty and pvp coin gain for DC has been fixed in the same patch. I think either or of the two would have been suffucient. I understand the penalty was partially added so somone couldnt just farm points from someone else by him disconnecting immediately, however its not that hard to sacrifice 6 pokemon if you really wanna win trade. Since there is no resign button DC is the only usable option. Thoughts?
  6. It needs team preview badly. The cheesy tactics that only work once can be a major part of the game and reduce the skill needed. It also makes pokemon that can get trapped by goth and or magnezone close to unplayable. Besides this, ability to spectate games with some delay would also be extremely cool. (with battlers permission ofc). Than obviusly all the bug fixes and abilities etc.
  7. if you want perfect balance you might aswell give all pokemon all types all moves and abilities. Then just name them the same too since why not? What game needs and already has is perfect imbalance. Means slight power difference on most of the pokemon which creates diversity, possibilities in teambuilding and such. If you try and balance it out so that less used pokemon become better your just shifting the meta untill people figure out whats the most broken of the new picks. Than you can rebalance once again. This is how games like LOL do it for instance, but they can afford to since there is no real background check that would say this champion is supposed to be stronger than this other one, whereas in pokemon.. a scary dragon should by definition be stronger than a rat. On top of this.. there is a reason why there are tiers like OU, UU etc., allows people to use their favourite pokemon without feeling like it has no use. Its not implemented in Pro yet but it might be in the future, who knows.
  8. Likuet

    Effect %'s in pvp

    Ok. Since we know we are capable of fooling ourselves... What we feel doest matter. I feel the same way. But to be credible.. Run some statistics on chance based moves. That actually means something.
  9. Very well made. Thanks for yoru time sir.
  10. You need regenerator slowbro. You need rapid spinner/defoger and stelth rocker+ special sweeper
  11. With such heavy stall oriented teams you will be very good with a team that beats goth + has 2 stallbreakers.
  12. Likuet

    counter sand team?

    SLowbro is the eAsiest to get out of all mentioned and works very well too since you spend the turn scalding instead of slacking off/roosting the damage.
  13. Likuet

    Pvp Rewards

    Its just a phrase.. like cutting corners.
  14. Likuet

    Pvp Rewards

    Or. You could just get into the top 25 and get the clothes like everyone else did. Stop trying to cheat your way to rewards.
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