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Everything posted by Civiliantr

  1. Sold and removed from shop. Thank you!
  2. 4 pokes sold and removed from shop. Thanks for all parties involved in trades! Gengar Infernape Metagross Scizor
  3. Sold and removed from shop. Thanks for buying!
  4. Sold and removed from the list. Thank you!
  5. Sold and removed from the list
  6. i'm at silver server at the moment. i can ping you when i transfer back to gold if you want. it will still be free by then. it'll take a few weeks tho
  7. Sent you a request on discord. See you soon
  8. 600k scizor
  9. In translation, hp fire cannot be max speed and the title is suggesting a different story
  10. That's not the point. It's an amazing poke an 30spd is nearly just as perfect. Why the need to lie saying max then showing a 30 spd poke.
  11. For whic poke? Can you pls clarify
  12. Why lie man? Why write max spd for 30spd poke. This type of topics needs to banned.
  13. 900k dragonite 950k scyther
  14. Jolly Charizard was sold and removed from shop. Thank you!
  15. 5m2 Late edit: a friend has warned me that my offer came late and the previous bid wins the auction already. Sorry for the mistake on my behalf
  16. I'll buy the tangela at 150k
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