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Everything posted by Civiliantr

  1. Max Speed Gengar sold. Thank you!
  2. Heracross sold, thank you!
  3. Gyarados sold, thank you!
  4. Metagross Sold!
  5. New pokes added!
  6. Torkoal sold. Thank you!
  7. Scizor sold and removed from the list. There will be a new scizor added soon. Thank you!
  8. New pokes added. Happy shopping everyone!
  9. Scolipede sold and removed from the list. Thank you!
  10. Cofagrigus sold and removed from the list. Thank you!
  11. Bold +20 Volcarona Sold, thank you!
  12. Closed due to a little renovation. Will be back, hopefully soon.
  13. I traded my scyther to Daktilobey in order to evolve it, but it got locked in his pc. I play in the Gold server. here is the screenshot he sent me. Conversation is partially included in the screenshot but wasn't able to ss further before and it is all in Turkish. Sorry to disturb, need help Thank you for your help, I got help from someone else in the guild.
  14. It looks like a statue and it acts like one too. Sage boss located at Sprout Tower gives no response upon trying to initiate a battle. Tried relogging in game and tried restarting client, it's all the same.
  15. 1. What's your Player name (IGN): Ooupz 2. Number of hours played: 384 hrs 3. What's your favorite Pokemon: Arcanine 4. Do you use discord: Yes 5. What country are you from: Turkey 6. How old are you: 29(almost) 7. When's your Birthday? November 26, 1990
  16. request dismissed due to lack of attention
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