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Everything posted by Silver

  1. Re: Silver's Shop PvP, Shinies,Coins,MS <r><IMG src="https://image.prntscr.com/image/6fd628a325ad411f9a17201eeb4d9430.png"><s></e></IMG><br/> <br/> Shiny ponyta and shiny donphan sold in game for 1m both</r>
  2. is this going to be updated? my offer still stands for 2.1m that is better than any offer you got for the past few days
  3. People can sell a pokemon for what ever price they want, what makes selling MS so different? anyone can sell anything for what ever price they like, there is no rule stranding them at a certain price and there is no price book to tell people how much they should sell THEIR items for. So you either buy or you don't but that does not give you the right to tell people how much they should sell for.
  4. Re: Silver's Shop PvP, Shinies,Coins,MS <r><QUOTE author="Haawaay"><s> </e></QUOTE> <QUOTE author="t0bi"><s> </e></QUOTE> The first to offer 1m as an instant takes it home</r>
  5. Re: Dusk Daycare(OPENED NOW Cheap and Quick )~~0 <t>How much for a shiny shuckle from level 25 to level 95?</t>
  6. Re: ♥ Mayelesa Day Care ♥ Pokemon Kanto and Johto now <t>How much for a shiny shuckle from level 25 to level 95? it's already ev trained</t>
  7. lol nice try ... 1m6 :devil: As a rule of the forums you are not to comment on others posts in a negative way, you are not even the topic owner. So please mind your own business, As for my offer 2.1m
  8. Re: wts the only one shiny aerodactyl in red server <t>There are at least 5-10 shiny aero in game and 2 of them with somes and oonancyoo, your title is misleading and considered a scam job. I suggest you change it.</t>
  9. Re: Silver's Shop PvP, Shinies,Coins,MS <r><QUOTE author="WhiteRice"><s> </e></QUOTE> that's to low for sala, i might let it go for about 800k</r>
  10. Re: Ingame BOSS [NEW BOSS JESSIE AND JAMES !!] <t>Elm gave me Miracle seed just to let you know</t>
  11. Re: Silver's Shop PvP, Shinies,Coins,MS <r><QUOTE author="Cloudx"><s> </e></QUOTE> i'll say not to both offers thanks</r>
  12. Re: Silver's Shop PvP, Shinies,Coins,MS <r><QUOTE author="Zavabo"><s> </e></QUOTE> For fera forget it, for durant if you offfer a bit more i might sell it</r>
  13. My first was a Shiny Shuckle, handed to me by the pumpkin king, my second was a magikarp found it while ev training .
  14. Re: Silver's Shop PvP, Shinies,Coins,MS <r><IMG src="https://image.prntscr.com/image/17afcc7d07d54a6dbc480ab8b7cc7865.png"><s></e></IMG><br/> <br/> Sold in game for 600k</r>
  15. Re: Silver's Shop PvP, Shinies,Coins,MS <r>Epic chandelure added<br/> <br/> <IMG src="https://image.prntscr.com/image/f26981ec99d948b18efc2f628129f33f.png"><s></e></IMG></r>
  16. Re: Silver's Shop PvP, Shinies,Coins,MS <r><QUOTE author="fakuman"><s> </e></QUOTE> i denied a 2m offer for it thus far, but thanks for you offer</r>
  17. Re: Silver's Shop PvP, Shinies,Coins,MS <r>Shiny Gastly sold in game<br/> <br/> <IMG src="https://image.prntscr.com/image/cb0547422e0f4126b27b85d69ca6c69f.png"><s></e></IMG></r>
  18. Re: Silver's Shop PvP lvl 100's and shiny Pokes added <r><QUOTE author="Silver"><s> </e></QUOTE> meet me in game to pick it up.<e> </e></QUOTE> this person faked offered me, pokemon still available.</r>
  19. Re: Silver's Shop PvP lvl 100's and shiny Pokes added <r><QUOTE author="ziIVIaGiiCz"><s> </e></QUOTE> i'll pass on that offer</r>
  20. Re: Silver's Shop PvP lvl 100's and shiny Pokes added <r><QUOTE author="TheeGamingSpoon"><s> </e></QUOTE> meet me in game to pick it up.</r>
  21. Re: Silver's Shop PvP lvl 100's and shiny Pokes added <r><QUOTE author="duc269"><s> </e></QUOTE> ill think about your offer</r>
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