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Everything posted by Silver

  1. Re: The Gathering [Red Server] Now Recruiting! <r><QUOTE author="WeezyArtist"><s> </e></QUOTE> To finish Hoenn and afterwards catch the pokemon I like. In conculsion, i'd like to build a strong pokemon team for pvp.<e></e></QUOTE> Hello! and welcome to our family! i will try my best to help you achieve your goals.</r>
  2. Re: AMAZING AERODACTYL SHINY 31 SPD 23 ATK <t>6.1m.</t>
  3. Re: The Gathering [Red Server] Now Recruiting! <r><QUOTE author="blaze565"><s> </e></QUOTE> Welcome to the guild! come on discord or meet me in game so we can talk more</r>
  4. Re: AMAZING AERODACTYL SHINY 31 SPD 23 ATK <t>5.1m<><></t>
  5. Re: The Gathering [Red Server] Now Recruiting! <t>bump...</t>
  6. you have bo, Abra auction will finish in 24 hours from now.
  7. Re: The Gathering [Red Server] Now Recruiting! <t>Recruiting all members on red server!</t>
  8. If i simply like your offer i can take it as an instant, but no instant are set on my pokemon yet. ms = 700k BO: Insta: BO: Insta: [glow=silver][sOLD][/glow] BO: Insta: 750k BO Insta: [glow=yellow][sOLD][/glow] BO: TzRekJad - 2.7m Insta: [glow=gold][sOLD}[/glow] BO: Insta: 400k
  9. Re: The Gathering [Red Server] Now Recruiting! <r><QUOTE author="KillzCarbine98"><s> </e></QUOTE> Come to our discord chat or contact me in game! we will make the very best of you soon.</r>
  10. Re: The Gathering [Red Server] Now Recruiting! <t>Added a shiny showcase to the guild!</t>
  11. Re: The Gathering [Red Server] Now Recruiting! <t>bump!</t>
  12. Re: The Gathering [Red Server] Now Recruiting! <r><QUOTE author="Nereus"><s> </e></QUOTE> Thanks Nereus!<br/> <br/> The guild bank will be online soon.</r>
  13. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=35&t=53660&p=305217#p305217 Join the Gathering its the newest guild so far! we would be glad for you and all your friends to join us.
  14. ill offer you 500k for it
  15. Re: The Gathering [Red Server] Now Recruiting! <r><QUOTE author="fabpotat"><s> </e></QUOTE> Hello fabpotat! Either come to discord chat or contact me in game!</r>
  16. Re: The Gathering [Red Server] Now Recruiting! <r><QUOTE author="Gambilicious"><s> </e></QUOTE> Thanks alot.</r>
  17. Re: The Gathering [Red Server] Now Recruiting! <r><QUOTE author="Kagawa"><s> </e></QUOTE> Indeed it will ;) <br/> thanks kagawa!</r>
  18. Re: The Gathering [Red Server] Now Recruiting! <r>Discord link updated. <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  19. Re: The Gathering [Red Server] Now Recruiting! <t>Thank you all! The Gathering is up and running now and applications are welcome!</t>
  20. Re: The Gathering - Coming soon <t>Thank you all for the wishes. We will be recruiting on all servers eventually but for now just on red</t>
  21. meh i told you to wait for me would have offered you more
  22. Never going to happen, but a person can always dream.
  23. Re: Shiny miltank <t>3.5m here <><></t>
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