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Everything posted by Silver

  1. i have the money kagawa can vouch for me 21m bid please.
  2. 23m .....
  3. Rules: An auction starts once someone meets the opening bid. an instant will be set once an open bid has been accepted. a pokemon will be sold to whoever offers instant or i accept a trade. i accept money, shiny pokemon (at my value) and MS=700k. Start B.o: 3m Instant: Start B.o: 2m Instant: Start B.o: 1.5m Instant: Start B.o: 1m Instant:
  4. Name: Silver Hours in game: 940 Hours.
  5. Hello TG Members! Today is the day we start our guild only Xmas event. It will be TG's xmas season hunting event in which best [glow=gold]Eevee[/glow]/[glow=blue]Feebas[/glow]/[glow=white]Snover[/glow]/[glow=brown]Buneary[/glow] wins. it will last as long as the Xmas event in game lasts so you have a long time to cath the perfect pokemon. Everyone in guild is able to register in the form below. Winners gets coins and money.The prices are for 1st (200 coins) , 2nd (100 coins) and 3rd places (500k). The rules are simple. All you have to do is to take screen shot of the pokemon you catch and post it on discord in the events channel with its ID (Pokemon that were caught before kicking off the event isn't counted) And playing with more than account (alts) aren't counted as well , you just register one account to hunt from. Good luck for everyone and let's have fun. Name : Hours in game : Please not that cheating is not one of our guild ethics so if you get caught cheating in an way you will be not just expelled from the event, but possibly from the guild as well.
  6. Hello TG Members! Today is the day we start our guild only Xmas event. It will be TG's xmas season hunting event in which best [glow=gold]Eevee[/glow]/[glow=blue]Feebas[/glow]/[glow=white]Snover[/glow]/[glow=brown]Buneary[/glow] wins. it will last as long as the Xmas event in game lasts so you have a long time to cath the perfect pokemon. Everyone in guild is able to register in the form below. Winners gets coins and money.The prices are for 1st (200 coins) , 2nd (100 coins) and 3rd places (500k). The rules are simple. All you have to do is to take screen shot of the pokemon you catch and post it on discord in the events channel with its ID (Pokemon that were caught before kicking off the event isn't counted) And playing with more than account (alts) aren't counted as well , you just register one account to hunt from. Good luck for everyone and let's have fun. Name : Hours in game : Please not that cheating is not one of our guild ethics so if you get caught cheating in an way you will be not just expelled from the event, but possibly from the guild as well.
  7. Re: The Gathering [Red Server] Now Recruiting! <r><QUOTE author="Breezyg"><s> </e></QUOTE> Hello! very nice to meet you i'll pm you the link to our chat.</r>
  8. Re: The Gathering [Red Server] Now Recruiting! <r><QUOTE author="Etcchi"><s> </e></QUOTE> Welcome to the guild!</r>
  9. i should join the race hmmmmm when does this auction end?
  10. Re: The Gathering [Red Server] Now Recruiting! <t>huge update to the shiny showcase</t>
  11. 175k....
  12. Re: Quanle92's Shop ( Nov 23rd update , new good cheap untrained pokes + 8 shinies, from uncommon to rare ) <t>ill start on yanma and floatzel<br/> <br/> and i want to buy the second meta with 12 hp</t>
  13. Re: The Gathering [Red Server] Now Recruiting! <r><QUOTE author="fa99les"><s> </e></QUOTE> Welcome to the guild <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  14. could have offered way more lol
  15. This is just spamming and should be locked.
  16. Re: The Gathering [Red Server] Now Recruiting! <r><QUOTE author="Deidara7"><s> </e></QUOTE> <3 <E>:Heart:</E> ..</r>
  17. Re: WTS epic PVP <t>1.6m blissey</t>
  18. Good luck with the dream that will never come true there is a simple solution to your problem, don't buy it.
  19. Re: The Gathering [Red Server] Now Recruiting! <r><QUOTE author="ash246"><s> </e></QUOTE> meet me in game or come to discord chat</r>
  20. Re: The Gathering [Red Server] Now Recruiting! <t>Bump.</t>
  21. As stated you are the highest bidder and won the auction meet me in game to pick it up. i am online Sold thanks alot!
  22. you have bo, Abra auction will finish in 24 hours from now. did i win the abra auction or did they guy offering 3 ms win it? edit: ill just assume you've traded it and cancel my offer by tomorrow :p As stated you are the highest bidder and won the auction meet me in game to pick it up.
  23. Shiny Torkoal <r><IMG src="https://image.prntscr.com/image/0d9f29b82a6c4e3a928b4519fee4e29e.png"><s></e></IMG><br/> <br/> Looking for offers<br/> MS = 700k<br/> <br/> Instant 5m</r>
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