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Everything posted by Silver

  1. welcome to pro and nice start to the game with that
  2. i am afraid nothing can be done with rollbacks, it's a good thing the scientist gave you another porygon to start with.
  3. cinnabar mansion make sure to have 120 caught kanto pokes
  4. Re: Updated MEW (4x 31, 2x 30) and more - Shop of Meliodas23 & Zoldyckmalik <t>mew is not tradable and i don't think its a good idea to keep it here, it will mislead people to think it is.</t>
  5. Re: Hippowdon: Impish: Epic atk, Max Def!! <t>300k</t>
  6. welcome to pro
  7. Ill be holding the bid for now as i was muted for 3 days in game if thats ok with mustaches
  8. you have bo
  9. Looking for offers for this monster of a pokemon will last for 3 days best offer gets to take this beast home
  10. it's only a collectors item, since its a starter and a rare poke i would say 50k max and i offer to pay that
  11. Are you sure for Schukle ? You do not use it :Smile: I have only 420k, I would adore having this pokemon in my collection. It's your definitely reply ? :Smile: Wel im his guildie, i'll say thats a low offer cuz Shuckle is 4th tier rare shiny https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=4287 +1 plus as mentioned bo starts at 2m or it stays where it is
  12. you have bo for now on both karp and unown
  13. i have decided that shuckle should start at 2m bo
  14. updated
  15. contact me in game to pick it up
  16. Welcome to my shop, here are the rules 1- Do not ask for price just make an offer 2- I accept in game money and memberships and i might take a look at epic pokes 3- Having a BO does not mean that i will sell it for that price, i will eventually set up a buyout price 4- Lowballers will be ignored. starting bid for shuckle is 2m
  17. 2 different topics with two different offers from the same person for the same pokemon, this should be looked into please
  18. Quit, nah jk get into battling
  19. lol ms is sold out and everyone loses their minds calm down there is a reason for it
  20. I am currently selling 100 coins for 250k I do not need any information other than your in game name. Once paid you will get your coins within the minute. Contact me here or in game.
  21. i would say around 100k
  22. Re: Epic Delphox Timid - 3 day auction <t>sold for instant this can be locked thanks.</t>
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