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Everything posted by Ayuwoki

  1. Yes i want
  2. Ok now i'll say to him to do a post.
  3. Thanks for help
  4. Hello, A few years ago, I created a Guild named "Skere," but due to personal reasons, I abandoned the game and left the Guild to Hashiraam. However, now I only appear as an "Officer," and there is no "Guild Leader" role. I would like to know if there is a possibility to have it returned to me and make me the "Guild Leader" again, as the person I left it to is no longer appearing. Thank you in advance.
  5. What is Skere? Skere was formed in november, 2019 by @Ayuwoki, it was created mainly to train players from the beginning and to improve with us, immediately we got the top 8 in Guild ladder and since then we grew more, being top 7 consecutive times and the last two top 1. Guild benefits? * Guild tournaments every month. * Advice and help when hunting for different pokémon (natures/builds/abilities/uses). * Help with your pvp team, building this, or pve team. * Friendly and active chat in 3 or more language. * Frequent giveaways for guild members. * 25% exp boost for being in the Guild ladder. * Guild island (You need to finish the season in Guild and with at least 10 rating. Help us to get the top 3 too). * Discount if you want buy a Pokemon from your Guild mate. What are we looking for? We are looking for active PvP players who want continue growing, good people without toxicity, we don't like it because we are like a family. How to join? * Why do you want join in Skere? * In game * Screen shot of your trainer card * With what rating do you think you can help us? * Write me in discord if you want talk to me personally - Keko#9412 This month left 3 spaces.
  6. I wish a new surf pvp Mount, many years with the same Mount, Palkia is a water type pokemon, or Manaphy, is my suggest. ^^
  7. Username: Ayuwoki Server: Gold Gmt: Ecuador - 5
  8. No, contact me in discord ^^ Keko#9412
  9. Not bad, but i need more atk 28+ if is posible
  10. Bump
  11. Wts epic metagross 20+ adamant 31 spd 1.6m or 4 cc Contact me in discord Keko#9412 or infame Ayuwoki. Can be closed, sold!
  12. bump
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