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Everything posted by Lancastter

  1. Wtb story service. Hoen and sinnoh. Discord: Kazooie #2976
  2. Need 4 region story service. Discord: Kazooie #2976
  3. You won. Tell me which server are you on and when u will be available. Ty
  4. Current offer: 1.7m Minimum Raise: 200k No insta END TIME: Saturday, 7:20 P.M. (GMT+8, PH TIME) Accepted forms of payment are: Cash RR ticket : 700k Nature RR: 350k Coin Capsule: 400k Contact me in-game: Lancastter in silver server or comment below. Will transfer if winner is in gold.
  5. You won. Tell me which server are you on and when u will be available. Ty
  6. Current Offer: 6.2m Minimum Raise: 200k No insta END TIME: Thursday, 11:23 A.M. (GMT +8, PH TIME) Accepted forms of payment are: Cash RR ticket : 700k Nature RR: 350k Coin Capsule: 400k Contact me in-game: Lancastter in silver server or comment below. Will transfer if winner is in gold.
  7. Interested pm me discord Chichaii#2976
  8. Nc azu. Gl
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