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Everything posted by Isildurr2x

  1. ?? 150k
  2. thx bro this is op
  3. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/221294-bundle-event-bidoof-forms-auction/ guy found 12 bidoof forms during wq, i also finish wq and found 0 forms lolol *not complaining btw*
  4. it feels really bad, but that is also what i mean. you started a business on pro and doing really well, i think everyone needs to figure that out. if theyre going to hunt then sell, or buy then sell, or sell services, etc. just want ppl to know grinding for thousands of hours is not the only way to get things if hunting is not working. pro is like a small world xd many options
  5. +1 this, in my opinion, serious hunters have to figure out if they have a "lucky" account or not. sure its all rng, but some players catch so many rare forms/shiny/epic pvp etc, meanwhile others hunting for thousands of hours get nothing to show for it. sure it is all rng, but the rates are not equal for all. i cant back that up but i have 5k hours in game and have hunted until i started to hate it. now i dont hunt at all, just boss and trading up, i have a nice collection of shinys and forms and only 1 of them are OT. also im not bad mouthing the game or anything, i love it, just wanted to share that hunting is not a viable option for every single player, and that people should explore other methods. so basically, if youre not getting any forms or shinys, meanwhile other players are getting multiple encounters, then you should stop hunting and focus on making money and acquire the things you want via trading. time is very precious and to spend thousands of it with no real reward is sad. sure it is all rng but there are other ways to use your time efficiently and also get what you want. even though i have hunted for shinys until my finger fell off, i have to -1 the pity system. it kind of makes it a guarantee that everyone can get forms, that removes alot of value, and sense of accomplishment imo
  6. gg
  7. Nice are you online now?
  8. 3.1m
  9. 2.85m
  10. 2.75m
  11. 2.65
  12. 2.55m
  13. 2.45m
  14. 2.35m
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