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Everything posted by Unknown007

  1. Looks like it has been resolved. Player has been able to initiate the hat quest and now need to find the hat.
  2. Can you please let us know if it works or not? Be aware though that if the Hoenn hours had not be registered properly before, it will be reset so if you see 0 hours or something like that, it's probably what happened. You will unfortunately have to wait a bit more to get those Hoenn hours rolling in. Once that's done, things should be good.
  3. This is not a bug; this is intended. Closed.
  4. Can you go back and try to see if Tabitha reappears? Note: go out of the map to the previous floor and go back in towards where Groudon was, even if you don't see Tabitha at first.
  5. Can you talk to prof Birch again and see what happens?
  6. Resolved, Latios was present, and not all 10 locations were in the screenshots :)
  7. Managed to get you online for a brief moment before you went offline. Ash should be visible now.
  8. That should be fixed now. Unfortunately, for those who have the bug, Pikachu will be roaming there forever in Viridian Forest (unless you can find a content scripter online in chat or in game and ask them to make pikachu disappear...).
  9. Ask for content scripter, not GM. GMs cannot help you. I am usually online 21:00 - 24:00 (GMT+0400) on weekdays. Do you still have your Hoenn starter pokemon or the shiny Rattata that you received before moving to Hoenn?
  10. Check the stickies please. There are already solution(s) mentioned in there.
  11. No, when as in what date? It looks like you lost to him before the fix. Please read up and read the solution.
  12. If your quest has reset, it means a bug in the quest you completed made it so it was not truly complete. You will have to redo it, unfortunately. As for the picture, the link is not working. Try the guides on the quest and let me know.
  13. That was intended to be for those who were not able to complete the quest before the quest deletion to be able to re-access the quest more smoothly. I think I will remove that feature assuming that most players are done with that part now.
  14. exactly same thing happened to me on yellow server, ign arsony https://ctrlv.cz/IloL What happens when you go out walk a few steps down and back inside? I have a feeling you guys got there on bike/mount which prevented the server from registering certain events.
  15. Resolved. Entei had to be battled and user is certain they battled it and won before. A rollback was probably involved.
  16. I moved your topic to the sticky. Please check out the stickies before posting in a subforum. Also, please answer the questions I have asked in the first post.
  17. Can you come to the live chat and ask for a content scripter?
  18. You can use the PC in Oak's lab to restore lost Legendary Pokemon data :p then I get back to ho-oh place, nothing change still the same :Cry: Can you try again now? The PC did not have Ho-oh's data but now it should.
  19. Haha ok just people who overview all PvP action and have very significant changes on the game to the point where it is changed completely. Yep totally not staff at all :Angel: May I ask what makes someone a staff, to you?
  20. Try again in a few days. If you refuse helping Brock, he'll be gone for about 6 days.
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