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Everything posted by Unknown007

  1. Replied to PM couple of hours ago. Please let us know how it goes.
  2. I'm getting your messages on the chat but we are just unable to be online at the same time it seems :( I tried a different thing now that I had a bit more time. Can you go to the map where Tabitha is again? Make sure you pass through the room's entrance. That should put your quest to before you battled Tabitha.
  3. That will be a bit hard um... I changed a few things in the script. Can you go out on route 110 and go back inside? That should enable you to finish the quest. Unfortunately you will have to redo it.
  4. Glad to know it works :Smile:
  5. No prob, I am online as much as I can as well. I got your message, the one you sent was to my bouncer, it's an account that can collect messages when I'm not online. And don't worry about the clone event. There'll surely be more in the future.
  6. Can you guys try now? Quoting for notification:
  7. :Bored: There are lots of threads about this issue with replies already. Repeating it won't change anything. Thor made changes to the bosses that caused an issue where all bosses could be rebattled without cooldowns. This was fixed, but then all the cooldowns were reset, and the immediate timer busted. All you need to do now is to wait for the actual cooldown (2 weeks or whatever cooldown for the boss is) and battle them after that cooldown. The changes were made on the 19th of November. Things should be back to normal saturday 3rd or sunday 4th of december for bosses with 2 week cooldowns.
  8. Ok... and no, that's not the kind of information I hold, sorry. I'll close the thread then :Smile: Have a good one!
  9. Ok, I asked some friends to check the video (I'm in kind of a tight spot right now with very limited internet, so videos are a no no unless I want to be cut off of the internet for weeks). Found the issue, and it's fixed now. Apologies for the inconvenience. Unfortunately the losses you incurred cannot be refunded.
  10. Ok, you have to understand that you and me do not necessarily have the same times. Your night might be my morning or vice versa. Ok, something else, can you just stay in the live chat when you are online?
  11. Resolved. Just go battle Maxie again
  12. Problem resolved. Closing the thread.
  13. Apologies for the confusion. The mention of Minun in Plusle's dialogue has been fixed.
  14. That is indeed a bug from the game. Probably occurred during a lag or something... At what time are you usually online? (include the timezone please)
  15. Thor changed a few things, but it should be back to normal in a couple of days.
  16. Closing the thread. This might have been due to lag, as this issue cannot be reproduced atm.
  17. You need to read Mr. Fuji's Notes inside his house in Lavender Town This ^
  18. This is not a bug. This is how the dev/initial scripters meant it to be. Once you accept to learn the move, you make a non-refundable payment.
  19. What does Jackson say when you talk to him?
  20. What text does it say when you talk to him?
  21. Locking. Please read the other threads, it has already been mentioned why the situation is like that.
  22. Wait till the actual cooldown is over. The cooldown for Erika is 2 weeks, so that's 17,280 minutes, so wait till you reach that number. After that the displayed cooldown will be back to normal.
  23. This is not a number... I will be around for the next couple hours in about 1 hour. Ping me if you come to the live chat
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