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Everything posted by Unknown007

  1. I will need more information regarding this matter. If you can come online on the live chat as well would help if I can discuss it with you on the spot. If you come on the live chat, ask for a content scripter for New Mauville quest help.
  2. If you're still having issues go to New Mauville. If there are Aqua and Magma grunts, redo the quest. If there are none, try to use the Transportation. If the transportation still doesn't work, come to the live chat asking for "staff for New Mauville quest bug". If I find out that you actually can use the transmat and you're asking for help.... well I'll let you guess what will happen.
  3. Try to go to the transmat station again?
  4. That was a consequence to having to script the quest from the ground up. Almost all the data relating to the quest had been wiped. It was either that, or no quest at all (no more transportation).
  5. Do you mean you still cannot use the transmat?
  6. You will have to redo the quest.
  7. The switch is there. Make sure you have battled and won against all magma and aqua grunts you can see.
  8. Join the live chat and ask for a game staff to move you when you can. If there are none online, try to remain online for a while.
  9. If you have not rescued all the pokemon from the warehouse, that won't prevent you from using the levers. By being able to get in that new room, it means you have completed the warehouse mini quest. I cannot see why the lever would not work, however. If it still doesn't work, can you come on the live chat when you are online and request for a content scripter? If I'm around I'll try to see what is wrong. If not, try to stay around the live chat as much as you can until a content scripter comes around.
  10. Found the issue. Maps were drastically changed between the initial phases of Hoenn and the final release of Hoenn and coordinates were subsequently messed up (they are used for the signboards). I have fixed the issue. Feel free to report more to this thread if you find more.
  11. Join the live chat (link in my signature) and ask for a content scripter to help you. Alternative: redo the quest. The previous quest had to be remade from the ground up because of certain big issues, so the new quest details and requirements will not be in all player's game information.
  12. I believe you might have entered New Mauville during the first few hours of its reopening, during which there was a check to reset the quest for players who had started the previous quest, but that check was not preventing the reset for those who completed the quest. That issue has already been fixed a bit more than 24 hours ago now. If you had been caught by the bug during that time, then you will unfortunately have to redo the quest. The quest itself is not bugged. The picture you are showing does not show there's a bug in there, but only that you don't know how to finish the quest. I suggest you try to remember how you completed the quest previously or go to the quest guides to complete it.
  13. Sorry, we can't do anything about that one :( Thanks for reporting all the same :)
  14. I would appreciate it if you could report such issues (typos in dialogues) to the sticky: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=82&t=30960 Thanks :Grin:
  15. For future such errors, please report at the following thread: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=82&t=30960 The above error however have been now fixed. Thanks! :) For the Jackson one, please also mention the map name where you saw this. Jackson appears in the story quite a lot of times and it's hard to locate where actually his dialogue has to be fixed. EDIT: Managed to find it.
  16. It's been fixed now. The previous quest had to be re-written from scratch since it was causing huge lag spikes, crashes and then all the map was lost. Apologies for the inconvenience.
  17. The signs are not blank. You need to stand in front of them and interact with them to be able to read the information on them :Crazy: Closing :)
  18. Closing. Issue known and will be fixed in next client. :)
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