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Everything posted by Piine

  1. Merged your topics as you are only suppose to have ONE active topic per sub-board in the Trade Board.
  2. I have merged all your topics and moved the topic to the Personal Shop Board. Keep in mind that you are allowed to post ONE active topic when selling in the Trade Board. Please avoid doing this again or punishment relating to the forums will be issued.
  3. Moved to Personal Shop seeing it contains more than 5 Pokemon.
  4. Re: WTS Jolly Riolu <t>Merged both topics as you are allowed to only ONE ACTIVE TOPIC per sub-board in the Trade Board.</t>
  5. Re: Epic Bulba <t>Alright, I have trashed the Epic Bulba posts from the request of the user.</t>
  6. Re: Epic Bulba <t>Merged your topics and move its to its correct board. Please remember that you are entitled to only ONE ACTIVE TOPIC per sub-board in the Trade Board.</t>
  7. Re: Selling, Epic Charizard (Mega Y) + Other Epic Pokes. <t>Moved to its correct board and also merged one of your topics to make this new one. Please keep in mind that you are entitled to only ONE ACTIVE THREAD per sub-board in the Trade Board</t>
  8. Both are terrible and Apple should also feel like so. Android hasn't let me down and its benchmarks are getting marvelous by the decade.
  9. Nope, just like Shane stated himself, both server are exactly the same. There is precisely no difference between both. You probably should re-think of what you just stated. Going to explain that what you as well as the OP are stating is merely impossible to do. We already clearly pointed out that we (Team Revolution) will not do transferring of progress between the server accounts of both servers, hence why people prefer massing on the Red then the new Blue Server. Stating that users (except the percent who are linguistically incapable) have not seen our Blue Server after the present amount of days it has been released is pure ignorance and seriously should be their responsibility of not acknowledging the Forums. As a user as well as a staff member, my opinion still stands as I have already given my thoughts as stated first post. There shouldn't be any topics nor quote stating "Blue is better to be on" because its obviously not. Change for Pokemon Revolution Online has always been happening and shouldn't be ignored. You shouldn't get used to the present and prepare for the future. You don't know that Red may still continue to crash nor if Blue would start crashing more or vise versa between. TLDR: OP should technically follow my advice when relating to if he wants to make it easier to login to his own preferred server. Though in the case of other players getting on a server, let it be on their preference and not your own. If they wish to clutter red, let them be.
  10. To be honest, players shouldn't make it a huge deal with the servers. They are the same gaming experience, the same story, and the developer team worked hard on it. The toggle for the server and what is showing when logging in isn't a default and shouldn't be consider as one. It was just put there for access. That's it.
  11. ...... You do know that server crashes happen on Blue too by the same reason why Red crashes. Changing the default wouldn't change a thing, but making it more of a pain to click more. How about making the suggestion more enjoyable for a whole server mass then just yourself. "Make the last server you have accessed the default server on the toggle list when you reopen your client. " With this, I guess it will make it a bit more easy for you.
  12. Will never happen. We have pointed out why in many threads, so it'll be best if you stop suggesting it. Though to the OP, I can agree with your suggestion for custom amounts.
  13. Merged both of your topics. Keep in mind that you are only entitled to ONE active topic in each sub-board of the Trade Server Board.
  14. You have been informed that you are in responsibility of losing your items so there isn't "pointing fingers" or "victims". Unless you wish to say you lost your items because you didn't do what we recommended. Also if you were referring to online maintenance today, we did inform everyone of doing a maintenance. If you didn't follow and exit out of the server message, it's definitely your fault to be honest.
  15. The staff give you server messages warning to log off and yet you stayed on. Getting roll-backed would have been your responsibility if you never heeded them. Donating to the server isn't asked by us to our player base. We don't force you to and even so, the game is in BETA. You should know that by now when registering. Also you may want to read https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=88&t=7881
  16. Piine

    Ǥods And Ƙarps

    These karps among Pokemon
  17. Well, the best question is would it be smooth on the Android Port all together. Using animation would probably make the device it's running on lag or such though I can't confirm.
  18. Please read before making another thread. If you need to report an issue such as being scammed by another user, please use the Report Center here. Reports are not handled in the General Support board.
  19. Please report cases such as this with evidence in the Report Center. I will lock this thread, though please do report the case via the Report Center and in the right server provided there.
  20. I splitted the topic as it was getting a bit off-topic and moved the topic to another board. Tiny14, its recommended to verify your account as Fenne stated or you won't be able to login. If you have done so, you probably stuck on the queue which is normal as its huge during weekends. You will have to wait
  21. Oh man, I had a good laugh. Though Arnie is right, Chappy is one with the Swagikarp inside him.
  22. Merged both of your topics. Please keep in mind that you are entitled to ONE topic per sub-board.
  23. Re: 31atk Thick Fat Snorlax <r>Merged both of your threads. Keep in mind that you are entitled to only <B><s></s>ONE<e></e></B> topic per board.</r>
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