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Everything posted by Sk8trgod618

  1. When I have the bag bug happen, I close all other tasks other than PRO. So that my cpu can focus on unfreezing it. It usually takes 10-30 sec to unfreeze after I have closed everything else. But it takes longer if I don't close things. The best thing to do is count encounters while hunting, and click back before running just once every 50-100 battles. Much better to click bag for a 5 sec freeze on 10 Diglett or Sandshrew than have it freeze 5 min on a Sandile.
  2. Poison Jab tm would be nice. I'd also like Clamperl to be given shell smash for level up.
  3. I noticed there aren't any MS Exclusive Pokemon. Maybe Skrelp could be one? I also noticed that it doesn't seem as though any of the wild Pokemon can be holding any items. I am not sure what items would be cool, here. But seems kinda blank in that aspect. :Smile: :Angel:
  4. skrelp + lapras is two pokemon. How would it be any different from being able to hunt jolly / ada sandile / trapinch in route 111 desert? One takes MS. If skrelp was added to water with ms, i don't see what the big deal would be. 2 is not 10. please stop exaggerating our suggestions. "more dragons" isn't 10 extremely rare pokemon automatically. Edit: oh, I read a few of the previous comments i had missed, and yeah that would be a little much. I just want skrelp in water, that's all lol. :Angel:
  5. it is a dragon shrine. So the first suggestion that comes to mind is "add more dragons!" lol :Angel: I think skrelp, deino, and noibat would be pretty cool. but Noibat probably MS only. brb I'm going to do some lore research about what pokemon actually hang around dragon shrine lol. update: looks like the "dragon holy land" has a somewhat disappointing spawn list with dragonite as only dragon. (in the anime) lol But yeah I definitely think skrelp in the water would be awesome. then people could hunt for bold / modest lapras and skrelp at same time. I would actually love this!
  6. i was fighting bugsy when snivy got removed. and snivy was added back after I'd already won and gotten tm u-turn :(
  7. be sure to acquire some synchronize pokemon so you can have 50% chance for wild pokemon to be the nature you want ;) Also be sure to have a false swipe pokemon so you can catch things easier. Part of the fun of this game is being able to hunt anything anytime (unless you have no ms and it's ms only pokemon). But it would be boring if everyone had easy perfect pokemon. That's why this game can thrive, because it's so hard to get perfect pokemon that it takes a lot of hunting. So poeple hunt a lot. Hunting parties. Hunting with friends. Hunting alone. Making friends while hunting. Not sure what I want to hunt today. Thinking Starly, Cyndaquil, Magmar, or Skarmory. Maybe even Noibat. Also, I am curious which server you play on? I am on blue and if you are too, i can help out a bit.
  8. xmas pokemon too rare. 130ish eevee caught but 0 xmas pokemon sightings. not even xmas stantler, sentret, or teddi seen. :Cry: :Frown:
  9. Hello! I've been wondering if the End Date for Xmas Event will be announced, or if it's something we'll just have to be ready for when it happens? It would be nice to know how much longer we have to hunt for Xmas Themed Pokemon. I'm sure many others are wondering too. I understand if it's something that won't be announced. Just curious. Thanks for a great Xmas Event! Even if I'm disappointed that I haven't encountered anything Xmas Themed, yet, I'll keep trying! :Angel: :Heart:
  10. I'm wondering if there is a set day and time that the event is due to end. I'd like to know how much time I have left to hunt for Xmas themed Pokemon. Thanks, in advance!
  11. All i want for Christmas is Progressive Rng.
  12. Progressive Rng is required for gaming these days. Until we can fully immerse ourselves in game worlds and spend all of our time there, games need to consider real life and the fact that players can't play 24/7 and live in game. We need to eat, drink, bathe, work, spend time with family and freinds, and many other parts of life. Why is pro made so that if you buy 100 MS and sell them, you can pretty much get any pokemon you want. But if you're unemployed like I am, you're allowed to hunt 24/7, seemingly for ever, never finding what you want. It almost seems like the longer I hunt for something and the more time i put into it, the worse my luck gets. The harder I try, the further away the "carrot on a stick" gets. I'm not happy with spawns and have never been, probably never will be. I should just stop playing this game since the only thing I know how to do is complain about this and that. Please forgive me for being a horrible person. I will miss helping all the players I've helped and chatting with all the friends I've made. But after this xmas event, I think I'm quitting or taking a long break. it hurts
  13. Yeah. The Eevee grind is very tiring. I've caught about 90 Eevee. 0 xmas anything. I guess the thing that disappoints me is that I consider myself to be one of the most dedicated hunters. But in this event dedication doesn't mean anything. Especially when a guy who catches his second swablu gets a xmas one. Then there are players with hundreds and never seeing xmas. To be honest, bad spawn rates make me a sad person. I love this game more than I can express into words, but I'm afraid I'm going to be chased away by spawn rates again, in the near future. It pains me to say that I might actually regret my 1380 hours of play time. Especially since 1000 of those hours were probably wasted hunting for Skrelp, Feebas, Absol. All i have to say, is there is a difference between making something "rare and fun to hunt" and making something "So rare that if you hunt for it, you won't want to play the game anymore" Time to go catch a bunch of non xmas eevee. Actually debating on quitting and giving my pokemon away because of "time required to do anything productive in this game" The crazy thing is that I am unemployed and if I wanted to, I could hunt xmas pokemon 24/7 until I collapse. It still wouldn't be good enough though, this game likes to waste people's time with a freaking carrot on a stick. Give us the dang carrot, please! I do not enjoy walking back and forth in game for 4 hours to find 0-2 Eevee, especially when xmas rate is 1/1024. Clones were hard enough, I tried and couldn't manage to find one. My mind is spinning because of this and I don't even know what I should say anymore. I'm just extremely frustrated with this game's ability to effectively waste my time and tick me off. I'm losing sight of what used to appeal to me. I've said it before and I'll say it again. People only bot so much because this game's spawn system is not Human Friendly. The very first Extremely Rare Pokemon I caught in this game was a Litwick that took 1 hour and 47 minutes to find. I should have quit the game right then and there! I've been banging my head against the wall, praying for changes to spawn rates and rarity, but it will never happen. No matter what I decide to hunt, after hunting for about an hour, I begin to sway back and forth, trying to stay awake. I end up crashing because it's so exhausting and tiring and unsatisfying to hunt for something you'll never be able to find. If it took me 5 months to find one good h.a. skrelp, how long is it supposed to take to find one xmas anything? I'll never find a clone even if clone events come back, and I'll never find xmas anything even if I hunt 24/ 7 for whole xmas event. Here I go, back to banging my head against a wall while hoping with all of my existence that I can find a xmas eevee before the event ends or before I die of boredom, or before I quit and give all my pokemon away. I'm a sad person lately, I'm sorry, I don't know why. I just feel like this game is beating the "love for pokemon" out of me, that I once had. Luring me back in and then kicking my butt again. This game actually hurts. I almost wish I were a bad person so I could go bot for a free ban and be done with this torture already. The wasted time and frustration that comes with hunting in this game is starting to heavily outweigh what appealed to me and made me want to hunt the Pokemon in the first place! Everything's getting dark. :Cry:
  14. Good mindset, AnonyWish. I need to try to be more like that! :y:
  15. Yeah I've never seen such a class room thing. I wouldn't mind being teleported there, either.
  16. Thanks for all your hard work, Kagawa! :Heart: I appreciate every little thing you and your fellow staff members do for this game! I played World of Warcraft for 9 years and actually canceled my Legion subscription recently, to make more time to play this game. I have more friends here, and there is more reason to communicate with other players here. I love WoW, i have many memories and many achievements /accomplishments, but there is something more appealing about Pro to me. Maybe WoW needs to remove "binds when picked up" from the game so people can sell everything, haha. Pro's only "binds when picked up" things are legendary pokemon and legendary bird mounts. Anyway, i strayed off topic. I think I'll go hunt Eevee some more. :Angel: Sorry if I seemed negative when I created this topic. I tend to rage about things here and there. I wonder if it's harder to find xmas eevee and swablu in Pro, or find "Time-Lost Proto-Drake" in WoW. lol That Proto has epic Ivs! wrong nature.. :Shocked:
  17. K I'll do my best to not be lazy, and to record / screenshot bots as I report them.
  18. I love this game with a passion and I love the staff, too! I just can't stand there being this many bots, because they ruin the game. I'm not blaming staff for anything. I just hope they try their hardest to rid Pro of said bots. I'm not sure what I'm going to do though. My long standing opinion is that rare things are too rare in this game. And I disagree with the statement that "making any extremely rare pokemon less rare would ruin the economy". I think adding so many things to the shop did more damage than changing encounter rates ever could. But I think the inflation of coin prices only happened because of the bot infestation.
  19. Seeing so many bots everywhere, hunting anything that is good or popular, affects my motivation to hunt. If players hunting near me were all human controlled, hunting would not be so bad. Everyone would get to share their findings and try to 1 up eachother. But this bot infestation is making me consider quitting. Why should we non-botters work so hard for something that botters can accomplish while not even at their computers? I want to hunt Xmas Eevee and I've already caught around 60 Eevee. Yet, being surrounded by bots who have 50m and catch xmas pokemon to sell for 100m, when the most money I've ever had is 1.5m, it's quite depressing and harshly affects motivation. Enough of my blabbing. I wonder how the rest of the community feels about this? Feel free to comment. I'm finding it difficult to keep any kind of motivation to continue hunting. :Cry:
  20. I still feel like making things this rare could be part of the reason there are so many players botting. :( Although, even if things weren't so rare, there would still be bots that catch hundreds of <whichever pokemon> to get as close to perfect iv as possible. I would report bots and include video / screenshots, but there are so many that it's a waste of time for a player to do, when they don't even know if staff will handle it or not. Please elect a staff member to do a bot sweep. Players don't have time to report 100 bots when they're trying to catch xmas pokemon before bots do.
  21. I can't guarantee I'll still play this game in a few months because of the possibility to hunt weeks or months without finding what you're after, or never finding it at all. I had a horrible experience with skrelp, and there is no way that xmas eevee is easier to find than h.a. skrelp. I love this game, but I'll never stop suggesting for extremely rare pokemon to have rate slightly boosted. if they are 1/200, i would like 1/150, if it's 1/150, then make it 1/130. Where it is now, it just hurts to hunt for anything. Also, i don't know why i seem to be able to find 3 eevee per hour in flakewood, but hoenn safari zone area 5 gives me 1 eevee per six safari zone entries. Not sure what the deal is. I've tested for 6+ hours in each location and flakewood seems much easier :(
  22. I feel like a robot hunting for this kind of thing. I am tired of carrot-on-a-stick, and seemingly diminishing rng. Progressive rng that slightly increases odds after a very high number of attempts would be amazing! What is wrong with working for something and then getting it? Why so much work for nothing?
  23. I agree with Jhaydenite. We are human, we all have lives outside of the pokemon world that need to be lived. I hate botters with a passion and I would never even imagine doing it. But at the same time, i feel bad for players who resorted to botting after losing their minds to bad spawn rates. Even if I had caught every Xmas Pokemon there was, and had the best ivs and natures on server, I'd still feel bad for all the people trying their hardest that won't ever get what they want. Even if i was the only one with xmas pokemon, I would want spawn chance increased. I saw another comment that mentioned something about giving. This should be an event that makes new players excited to play during christmas. NOT an event that makes players decide this will be their last PRO christmas.
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