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Everything posted by Sk8trgod618

  1. Sounds good to me. :Smile:
  2. Hello. So I have noticed that while in places like Cerulean Cave and some other locations, the world music is so quiet, that if you turn it up so you can hear it, then when you enter a battle, the battle music will be so loud that it blasts your ears. As it is, I have to choose to hear battle music and have cave music so quiet i can't hear it, or; if I decide I want to hear the cave music, then battle music makes my ears bleed. So I suggest one of two things. Either separate options for overworld music and battle music volume adjustment, or; simply increased music volume in cerulean cave. Thanks for reading. :P
  3. Thanks for the replies. :)
  4. Hello :) Not sure if it's just me, but I'm becoming more and more concerned with the seemingly increasing number of server crashes, and with longer duration. I'm sure many other players are wondering, as much as I am, what the answers to these questions might be: *Is the cause known? *If so; what, if anything, is being done to prevent it? *Will the instability of servers continue? *Will it ever stop? I understand if these questions can't be answered, but I haven't seen anyone asking or answering so thought I'd give it a shot and ask. Just wondering if anyone might be able to shed some light on this issue. I'm not here to complain, I just feel somewhat left in the dark, when it comes to this topic. Thanks for reading.
  5. I'm at 700 encounters in mt. silver 3f today. Haven't seen Absol. Has he been removed over night? I found some yesterday after doing 1000 encounters, but then 700 today and not a single one. Has anyone seen a wild Absol today in Mt. Silver 3F? I don't want to search for something that isn't there :(
  6. I love your post. I'm not crazy after all. I extremely dislike how long it takes to find "extremely rare" pokemon. 600 encounters in mt. silver 3f today and 0 absol seen. Makes me not want to play... :(
  7. Carrot-On-A-Stick is not good. :( <t>Hello everyone. <br/> I'll start off by saying that I love this game very greatly. I've never had as much fun playing any other pokemon game. But I have a complaint about something that has been bothering me for a while. I feel like there are a few pokemon in this game that have too low of an encounter rate. The encounter rate is low enough for a player to go through 600 encounters or more in one login session, without seeing the species they came for. I've spent a long period of time and over 90k in a single session in johto safari wet zone without getting feebas.<br/> <br/> Today, I've been hunting Absol (with Membership buff active) in Mt. Silver 3F, and just hit encounter 600, still no Absol.<br/> <br/> I honestly feel like quitting because I've spent 30-70 hours trying to get a good Feebas or Absol, and have only caught 4-6 of each, all bad, all taking way too many encounters than is healthy for anyone.<br/> <br/> Everyone says "it's an mmo, you have to grind for stuff"...<br/> <br/> I've played World of Warcraft for 9 years. This is not wow. Absol is not a legendary Pokemon. If I get Absol, is he going to break the meta and carry me to top of ladder? I don't understand why these "extremely rare" pokemon have to have such harsh encounter rates. Mt. Silver 3F and Johto Safari Wet Zone have left a bitter taste in my mouth that is so horrible, that I dont' even want to play. I'm too stubborn of a player to give up on finding absol or feebas, so I'm going to keep trying to bite the Carrot-On-A-Stick in front of me, until I either get the carrot, or (metaphorically) starve to death due to lack of carrot acquisition.. <br/> <br/> :(<br/> <br/> Thank you for taking your time to read this Topic. I'm sorry for giving off such a negative aura, but hey, that's what Feebas and Absol have done to me. <br/> <br/> I'd like to know if any other players have an opinion on this topic, other than "it's an mmo deal with it bro".<br/> I'm looking for constructive feedback. I'd like to know what you think could or should be done, to prevent players like me from quitting or losing their minds, over "EXTREMELY RARE" pokemon, like Absol and Feebas.</t>
  8. I got the same error message :(
  9. I once counted 1250 wild encounters in dragons den before I found a bagon. I used pen and paper with tallies. lol. I really wish there was an encounter tracker. So we could have some idea on when our next shiny might appear. lol
  10. Re: Shiny epic pidgeot ev trained lvl 100! 400k final price! <t>Which server?</t>
  11. Anyone know when Red Server might be back up?
  12. I don't know what to do. None of the download links I've tried are working. :( Would have liked to start playing tonight, but it doesn't look like that's going to happen.
  13. I'm unable to download the game. No matter which download (x86, x64) the page loads for 5 minutes then says "Problem loading page" :( been trying for hours
  14. PRO Username: Won't fit Do you have active membership?: No Your knowledge about PRO: Beginner What have you done before the problem was there? I am unable to download the game. I've been trying for over and hour. "Problem loading page" :( What have you already tried to solve the problem? Description and Message
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