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Posts posted by Blitzkriegz

  1. 21 hours ago, Limit said:

    Spawn Pick - Getting a guild in the top isnt an easy task for a guild aside from the 6 moves that are usually not important for changes, we suggest if Top 1 could choose the spawns and maybe top 2 have a share with the moves but it's important to choose what to spawn in this way top guilds represent the majority of pvpers in the game based on the sum of rating so why dont we get a chance to have a choice in it


    -1. Giving the freedom of spawn in the players hands is unfathomable. It won't be a thing. Also funny how you dont mention top 3 here, blatantly trying to stratify even in between top 3 spots. 

    • Like 1
  2. Since when has hunt depended on efforts alone? If everyone could farm rare forms on their own there wouldn't even be any need for the market. Nothing would have special values anymore. How people still can't accept the rng part of the game is baffling.

    • Haha 1
  3. It works as usual. Mold breaker affects the moves YOU use on a Pokemon with contrary, not the other way around. 

    If a move used by a Pokémon with Mold Breaker, Teravolt, or Turboblaze would change a stat stage of a Pokémon with Contrary, the change will not be inverted.

    For example, if you use Rock Tomb on a contrary Serp with a Mold Breaker Excadrill, the Serps speed will decrease as usual since Mold Breaker allows it to use Excas moves as usual. But Serps own moves' effects wont be affected in any way. 

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