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About Airek

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  1. FYI squirtle is the BEST starter in PRO, the 3rd gym doesn't destroy him, he destroys it. Squirtle can learn bite/dig/surf which makes him able to solo the entire kanto region.
  2. It's not hard to do, at least for kanto. Take Squirtle get max speed ev's off pidgey/rats on rt1 and you will never die. Hoenn is where the real nuzlocke challenge would begin.
  3. I'm not sure about the geodude strat as i always use the 5 ariados / sucker punch strat but yeah the game is a lot easier if you only use the starter water pokemon.
  4. I kinda agree with the OP and i have played through all 4 regions on multiple accounts. 1 tip i would give to every single new player is just to solo each region with the starter water pokemon as using a full team comp will limit how fast you are able to progress. Blastoise can literally solo kanto due to be able to learn dig tm and then you can buy ice beam and earthquake tm's for every other region out there, only ever needing to stop and grind for the rayquaza/deoxy fights. TLDR: Using more then the starter pokemon actually hampers you with how the experience works in this game. PS i can speed run kanto in 6 hours, i know what im talking about.
  5. Hell no, this is just making the game easier.
  6. 900k happiny
  7. 500k happiny
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