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Everything posted by Sin

  1. Hi, So today I noticed some people got a free BMS active after they logged in. I used my own BMS today shorty after the Vulcan event start and I don't notice any time extension in this one. Could you tell me how was the extension/free BMS processed? As it stands now, I haven't received any extension/new BMS/compensation yet, while the free BMS were even given to some people who did not have their BMS active during the server maintenance. Regards, SinLight
  2. Trade completed. Thank you all for participating. Until next time.
  3. New Insta now is 2.7M. Current Highest Offer is 1.8M. About 5.5 hour left until end of auction.
  4. Noted. Thank you. About 6 hours left until end of auction.
  5. Insta has been lower to 3M. Approximately 14 hours left until end of auction. Good luck to all.
  6. Hello, does anyone know?
  7. You are correct. It would be the next day where I live so I mistook the date. Fixed and thanks for pointing that out.
  8. C.O now is 1.6M by Necrogimp.
  9. Noted. Thank you and good luck.
  10. I have BMS active before the server maintenance 2 days ago (the maintenance that lasts for about 10+ hours) I read in Discord that BMS will be extended soon: Now my BMS has already expired but I haven't seen any extension yet. Might I know if the extension will still occur later and how would they do it? Thank you.
  11. *** BOUGHT AT INSTA PRICE 2.7M BY NAKOFUM *** Perfect one for Scarf Revenge Killer, DD Sweeper set, and more. Starting price: 1m Minimum raise: 100k Insta: 2.7M Auction ends in 3 days (72 hours) after the first bid. You can place bid here or contact in-game to: Inariokami Thank you. *** Auction has been started from Johann14's bid. Good luck to all :)
  12. Very pleasant guy to talk to. His service is top-notch and the team works really well! Super recommended! ^^
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