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Everything posted by Sin

  1. Azu Ada 26/30 4x26+ SOLD, thank you :]
  2. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/154209-sins-shiny-event-boutique-updated-22-feb/page/5/#comment-1091365
  3. Hello, auctioning my shiny Slakoth: C.O: 10M (started at 6:20 GMT+7 and will end at 27 Feb 6:19:59) Insta: 20M Min Bid: 200K 5 Day Auction from 1st bid Suggested sample team: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pC1d2f2Wj2A&t=84s&ab_channel=FrozenSingsLetItGo Accept: CC 400K, RR 700K, Nature RR 350K, Rare candies 7K each (max 500 pieces) COUNTDOWN TIMER: https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/to?iso=20220227T181955&p0=218&msg=Auction+Slakoth&font=cursive
  4. Added PvP Shiny Slakoth, Shiny Litwick & Growlithe 22-FEB SOLD Pink Pancham, ty :]
  5. 21 Poke added 22-FEB: - Alomomola Epic Bold H.A. 24+ Except Spd - Bibarel 31 Spd Ada Simple - Camerupt Godly 25+ Quiet - Clefable Bold H.A. Good - Cloyster Epic Ada 23+ - Darmanitan 31 Spd Jolly - Emolga Epic Bold 23+ - Excadrill Ada Sand Rush Good - Flygon Epic Ada 22+ - Gengar 31 Spd Timid - Gigalith Godly 26+ Relaxed - Gyarados 31 Spd Ada - Huntail Epic Ada 23+ - Klefki Epic Impish 20+ - Lopunny 31 Spd Jolly - Muk Alolan Careful 19+ - 2 Reuniclus Bold Epic Magic Guard & Overcoat - Sceptile 31 Spd Timid 31/30 - Stoutland 31 Spd Ada Sand Rush - Vanilluxe Epic Modest 30/28
  6. Bisharp Ada 30/30 4x24+ SOLD, thank you :]
  7. Sure, I'm online now, you can messsage me in game @ Sin
  8. S Houndour 20+ all SOLD, thank you :]
  9. Insta.
  10. Bulky Metagross Ada 4x24+ SOLD, thank you :]
  11. Epic Azu 29/31, Epic Venusaur Sassy HP Fire, Chansey Bold 30/29/29, Furret Boss SOLD, thank you :]
  12. Garchomp Impish/H.A 24/29 SOLD, thank you :]
  13. Some chibi shinies SOLD, thank you :]
  14. S Kabutop & Epic Pikachu Kalos SOLD, thank you :]
  15. Dusclop BOLD 24/24/21 SOLD, thank you :]
  16. 32 New Poke added today, 28 Jan: - Epic 30 Spd 23+ Modest/H.A. Altaria - 31 Spd 30/31 Bibarel - Epic 31 Spd Modest Blastoise - 4 Epic Timid Chandelure - 31 Spd Ada Darmanitan - Boss Drifblim, Gorebyss, Cottonee, Wobbufett - 31 Spd 30/31 Veil Chomp - 3 Great Gardevoir Timid 30 Spd HP Fire, HP Fighting - 31 Spd Houndoom - 29/29 Jolly Nape - 25/28 Krookodile - 31 Spd Ada Medicham & Epic Jolly - 4 Epic Mimikyu 30 & 28 Spd - Epic 31 Spd HP Grass Pidgeot - Nice 25/28 Ada/Moxie Scrafty - 2 Epic Ada Swampert 31 Atk - Epic Sassy Torkoal - Nice Bold Musharna Have a nice weekend :]
  17. Great Reuniclus Quiet 19+ SOLD, thank you :]
  18. Tentacruel Calm HP Fire SOLD, thank you :]
  19. Forretress Ada 21+ SOLD, thank you :]
  20. I buy Aero
  21. Charizard Jolly 29/29 4x26+ SOLD, thank you :]
  22. Hello, let me know when you get online or you can also send me a message on my Discord Sin#6417 when you are ready for the trade :] Thank you.
  23. Epic Bronzong 24+, Epic Doublade Brave & Epic Dhelmise Brave HP Ice SOLD, thank you :]
  24. Durant Jolly Epic 22+ & Chandelure Epic H.A. SOLD, thank you :] Shop will be updated this week with many more Epic Poke, so stay tuned :]
  25. Added ya, cheers
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