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Everything posted by Sin

  1. I buy Talonflame
  2. I buy Serperior. Lemme know which Discord to contact.
  3. I'll buy it, can log in game now.
  4. I buy Pineco
  5. Pretty nice H.A. one. I'd say 700k-1m5 range
  6. Thank you and the Content Scripters very much, I got the Cresselia Have a wonderful weekend! Sincerely, Sin
  7. Heyo, the auction had not been started yet, so I can sell it at any price I want.
  8. SOLD can be close ^^
  9. Hello, Simple auction for my Epic Shiny Banette (Mega): S.O: 3M Insta: 5M Min Bid: 200K 3-Day Auction from 1st bid Optional Payment: CC = 450k, RR = 750k Free Delivery to both Gold and Silver! I can accept shiny/form trade before auction starts, feel free to pm me at Sin#6417. Happy Xmas!
  10. Hello, simple auction for this cutie pie S.O: 400K Insta: 550K Min Bid: 50K 24H hour auction Optional Payment: CC = 450K, RR = 750K Happy Xmas!
  11. Hello, simple auction for my Xmas Lucario: S.O: 2M INSTA: 5M Min Bid: 200K 2-Day (48 hours) auction from 1st bid Optional Payment: CC = 450k, RR = 750K Free delivery to both Silver and Gold! Recommended Smogon set: If the auction has not been started yet, feel free to contact my Discord Sin#6417 if you want to include Pokemon trading in your offer. Happy Xmas!
  12. Cute one I will insta.
  13. Hello, I think I have released my epic Modest Carvanha by accident. If it's not too much of a trouble, could you please let me know if you find one like that through your tool? The one thing I am sure of is that it is of Modest Nature, and Speed Boost abi. The speed I think is 31, and I think all IVs 20+ but I am not completely 100% sure about these 2. I really appreciate it. Sin --- Thanks Noxious!
  14. Aye, I appreciate that. I will be waiting for further instruction. Have a nice weekend, Sin
  15. Weekly bump
  16. Safest way is to start an auction on forum. You can set starting price at 1m with 3 days auction or so. People decide the market.
  17. Check old prices in forum. Modest invalidates lots of its good stats, unfortunately. From what I can remember, a non-pvpable S Heracross worths around 1-2m from past forum's sales.
  18. Since Bhimoso has covered a lot of info, I will try to answer in a different way. If I have to explain how to price Pokemon to a newcomer, I will give him a basic formula like this: Price = Tier + Nature + IV + Pokemon's Role + Supply/Demand Tier: The rarer, the more expensive Nature: Research the desirable Pokemon's nature(s) from Smogon website will be your best bet. There will be a lot to learn. IV + Pokemon's Role: There's a lot to say, but my rule of thumb is: Sweeper Pokemon = Prioritize 31 Spd (or as high as possible) + Atk/Spatk. Defensive Pokemon = Overall high IV of HP + Def + SPDef. Supply/Demand: Normally, the more sought after/meta a Pokemon is, the pricer it becomes. There's a monthly list which publicizes PRO's top Pokemon usage in Forum. Nevertheless, if a player really wants to buy a very niche mon that no one hunts, say Unown for example, he might be willing to pay a premium price for an epic Unown, while no one else would be willing to pay that high. Keep in mind those basics, then you can read around and learn a lots about Pokemon price through forum and in-game completed deals. If you can't find past deals about a Pokemon you wanna sell/buy, you can ask friends who are experienced enough, and hopefully they will know the relevant info.
  19. Hi Noxious, Yes, I did, he told me to check Fullmoon Island: But Sailor Darlow in Canaleve still only gives me 4 options to pick from: - Iron Island - Vermilion - Olivine - Lilycove as usual.
  20. Hello, There was no option for me to go to Fullmoon Island from Sailor Darlow (I have spoken with Nezuko & Nezuko's mom), so I'm stuck at the very beginning of the quest. Could you look into it and possibly do a full reset for my Cresselia quest?
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