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Everything posted by Ballao

  1. wtb seaking, Pelipper im on , msg pm please
  2. price?
  3. I want garchomp and Hawlucha, what's the price?
  4. I need help I do not know if you could help me, the situation is as follows: I for not mastering English well thought that a npc is just asking me to show my bisharp and clicked without knowing that I was actually changing my trained bishard to pvp for a bad low level Klefki, so could you do anything to help me? or lost permanent pkm? I already leave as a suggestion that the game has as an option in Portuguese at least the phrases spoken by the NPC, to help us so that this kind of situation does not happen
  5. In-game name: Ballao Server: Gold GMT Timezone: Manaus, AM (AMT) Pokemon ID:29209309 I need to evolve to Leafeon but I went in the wrong place could you please help me!
  6. I really need a Conkeldurr ready for pvp, with great IV, ada guts
  7. Area themed Pokemon [*] We can't help you with a Pokemon that evolve by earning a level in a specific area. If you missed to evolve a level 100 Magneton, then you will need to submit a delevel request. [spoiler=Concerned Pokemon] Pokemon that evolve by having a specific move [*] You don't require our support if you missed to evolve a Pokemon that should normally evolve by having a specific move. For example if you have a level 100 Yanma that usually evolve by knowing Ancient Power, then just go through a wild battle and defeat the Pokemon. Your Yanma will still evolve even if stuck at level 100. It works for all Pokemon that are concerned by this evolution process. [spoiler=Concerned Pokemon] Make a Pokemon back to a previous state [*] It's impossible and we do not offer this kind of support. However we can now "delevel" your Pokemon if needed. In-game name: Balla Server: Gold Timezone: UTC/GMT
  8. I need to remove 1 level from my pokemon, help me please
  9. quando você terá uma atualização de idioma? Acredito que pela popularidade que o jogo teve, seria interessante ter a língua portuguesa, porque muitos brasileiros jogam a revolução dos pokemons. obrigado
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