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Everything posted by Duynghia101

  1. Re: WTS TALONFLAME H.A ADAMANT <r>3m <E>:Ambivalent:</E></r>
  2. [glow=red]Star bid: 200k[/glow] [glow=red]C.o:[/glow] Updating [glow=red]Insta:[/glow] Updating [glow=red]Star bid: 200k[/glow] [glow=red]C.o:[/glow] Updating [glow=red]Insta:[/glow] Updating [glow=red]Star bid: 250k[/glow] [glow=red]C.o:[/glow] Updating [glow=red]Insta:[/glow] Updating Happy bidding :Smile: Sold:
  3. eevee, dragonite :Heart:
  4. 25% EXP boost :Shocked: Great, thank you all :Smile:
  5. He alway said "will ready in 0 minute" so I cant battle with him.
  6. Maybe 500 coin like normal, but why they are so late? I am still not yet received reward. :Cry:
  7. Thank you all, hope to see you all in next tournament :Heart:
  8. Goodluck! hope your guild will be in the ladder soon :Smile:
  9. I think PRO need many new player (by PR, community...) and how to keep them, as i think PRO realy hard with newbie. Anyway, we need some new to keep oldbie XD, what can make they spend alot time :devil:
  10. Re: Revos Halloween Tourny Yellow Semi Finals Brackets Updated <t>who is next :D</t>
  11. Re: WTS Multiscale Dragonite 48 hours auction PVP READY <r><QUOTE author="VijvcicS"><s> </e></QUOTE> this auction is in Blue server are u in Blue ?<e> </e></QUOTE> Eh? I thougt it in Yellow <E>:Cry:</E> Sorry sorry</r>
  12. Re: WTS Multiscale Dragonite 48 hours auction PVP READY <t>I buy insta</t>
  13. Nyaaa~ Welcome Sugar! I love you :Crazy:
  14. Re: wts Multiscale Dragonite 48 hour auction <r>3m1 <E>:Sing:</E></r>
  15. Re: Discord All Server Trade/Guild War Server! <r>Bump <E>:kiss:</E></r>
  16. No one can help you in this case :Cry: Becareful next time :kiss:
  17. I'm gonna train an Imposter Ditto for the future :Crazy:
  18. Remove your antivirus :devil:
  19. Shiny magikarp
  20. Welcome :Smile:
  21. Duynghia101


    I think it will end soon :Smile:
  22. +1 good idea :Crazy: So pll can test new team easier
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